Is Blender actually useful for the future?

I do not find Blender more “complex” than anything else. It can be a little quirky sometimes, but I don’t know if it’s more “complex”.

I’d personally learn Maya over C4D. C4D really is very simple. This isn’t to say it’s not powerful, it is, but if you can get your head around using Maya and Blender, you should have no problem with C4D at all. Plus C4D is more of a niche product.

one can model - texture - rig - animate -> put animations/actor into movie/ blender game / ue4 game etc.

we need viewport PBR texture painting with height map based sculpting and BVHTree acceleration, then blender will have
Z brush / substance painter level texturing.

really one could argue that there is no software as useful as blender is now.

side note- here is something I made so blender can help non verbal kids talk - (still a WIP)

I got lucky in that I was hired by a small studio to be the lead VFX guy. Since I would be responsible for creating the shots, I had a lot of sway in the software choices. When I started, the studio use After Effects and Cinema 4D. I was instrumental in switching to Nuke and Blender because those are what I knew and I was the main person doing these shots. So now I get use Nuke and Blender daily in a professional pipeline. Point being, find a small studio that is just getting started and you can help bring Blender into the pipeline.

Yes, with '‘freaking complex’ I was meaning quirky, but in the worst sense of the word, I could say ‘unnecessarily complicated’.
I personally have made large use of FormZ and C4D, so I know what can be complex and what can be simple, although 3d graphic is complex in itself.

I want to bring an example of what I mean: you know the Curve modifier with all its absurd parameters and all its limitations, you can go mad at finding the way to get what you want; actually to follow a curve is just that, to follow a curve, and the only two parameters you need would be the direction along the curve (reverted or not) and eventually the offset, but in the blender modifier you have neither the one nor the other.


I apologize for being “that guy”, but isn’t asking this kind of question on a Blender forum likely to generate biased answers? Of course Blender users are going to say that Blender is useful. Otherwise, they wouldn’t be chatting about it on a Blender forum. You’re more likely to get less biased results if you bring it up in a general 3d forum than one specifically based around Blender. For the record, I do support Blender entirely for the reasons stated above. It’s just that posting a poll like this is the equivalent of going to a Ford dealership and asking about the quality of Ford brand cars.

Also, just to be a dick, I voted no to break that 100% record. :stuck_out_tongue:

Pixar Renderman 21 will be released with a Blender version…