is Blender capable of making good looking games?

You…YOU!:ba: Ignorance is bliss, dammit! :stuck_out_tongue:

Ok, ok I’ll give you an Elvis for that :RocknRoll: because I just got buff of “Social + 1/2”

By the way does anyone remember that fps game that only took a few kilobytes? Everything was compressed into mathematical formulas. But then when you pressed that little bugger, it exploded into a half decent quake clone!

howerslide have almosta nice gameplay but about the graphic quality it isnt that good, Benua start your project and if you need more support just ask us, i ll be glad in help you with graphical content if you need.
Good luck with your project and remember that are people on this forum that are allways “downers”, if you want to make a decent work you can make its, you ll need some inner strenght and join a good team, with 5 quality guys I tell you that you can make a good game and make money.

Is Blender capable of competing with Crysis?
Ok, Blender 3D is a fantastic 3D studio, with plenty of abilities. However, the BGE is really like a decade behind… Achieving good graphics is possible, however graphics is just the tip of the iceberg for Crytek, technical capacities are far too advanced compared to BGE. What Crysis achieves from root, Blender has to fake it and still struggle.
It is a great challenge to mimic certain graphical features of Mega Game Engines, even I am taking this challenge! But it might take a man 6 years to achieve what a team does in 6 months, so yeah, gotta keep it simple…
