Kenshiro (fake hand drawn black & white)

Piiichan, the char. is good but specs on cheeks and nose are too sharp. Actually it’s not typically for anime artists to draw these specs. And tears are usually comes out more gently (white and semi-transparent) but with “star glow” effect.
Something like this:

OR yep, it can be without specs (but some tears with glows) like this:

Just noticed:
the skull hasn’t a right form. The distance between edge of right eye and the outline is toooo short.
I highly recommend you to find online lessons (or some books) about drawing anime faces.

Thanks Moolah for the critiques !
I noticed also that her right eye is too close to the side of the skull compared to the left eye.

But I disagree (politely of course :wink: with “the right form”.
It’s hard to go wrong with anime characters. There isn’t a “right way” to draw them. I’ve seen a few books and lessons, and they usually want you to believe they teach the right style.
The styles vary so wildly, some characters even have their eyes and mouths outside their face lol :slight_smile: and their brows are drawn on top of the fringe…
Even in the picture you linked to, the guy’s mouth is open way beyond what a real mouth can.

But for my next face, I’ll try to be slightly more realistic, so then the skull proportions will matter more :slight_smile:

What about your dynamic hair experiment ?

By the way, what happened to BlenderArtists ?
Is it me, or the new dark theme is a bit less readable ?

Hi, Piiichan!
Sorry, I didn’t answered so long!
I’ve found a good job (seems like) so currently I’m pretty short on time :frowning:
Also I’m doing the Indie game project with other guys (most of them are Americans as I know). I’m creating vehicles and (further) buildings.
So I have no time for this project now. I’ll continue it later…
I’m pretty tired almost every day after work so usually I get only few day at week to make something.

P.S. Probably you’re very right about anime styles. New styles (actually) are very realistic. Some old styles has “branches” where different animators draw differently. So it’s true - it’s more a matter of harmony and a personal taste.

BTW(!) - I don’t know what with this funny theme :slight_smile: It reminds CGSociety’s forum. And it’s strange that it looks not in every theme I see… Some old flags in threads?