Lotus Esprit

More modeling. Still some vents and details missing.
Then the texturing. I guess I’ll go for 8k texture for the body as it needs stickers and all.
Only wheels textured so far.


More holes and details!


what method are you using to cut holes in your mesh? I have been working on my first car model and am having difficulty doing so. I’m avoiding using booleans because they seem to often create sloppy mesh. So far, I’ve been manually (and quite painstakingly) extruding one face at a time to build my mesh around my holes.

When I make the car body mesh, I try to check where I will cut the holes so I can make the edge loops flow correctly to support those holes. Then I just make new circle/form I like to cut and manually fit it in place. Or sometimes I use Shrink modifier for more uniform forms. Of course that too needs a bit planning to get it work and get nice flowing loops.

Sounds about like what I do. I haven’t used the shrinkwrap modifier yet but I likely will when doing my tire tread. Is that a good way to do it? Array + curve and shrinkwrap?

Nah. It’s just like making a pattern and extruding it. A lot of car modeling is extruding.
This is great tutorial for tires! Helped me a lot when I started doing those.

And this is the tutorial series what I used to watch when I was modeling my first car:

Although the finished model seen iin tutorial series isn’t very accurate one but the methods are good to learn.

Hope these helps!

The second video you linked me, by Jonathan Williamson is actually the one I had been following. It’s where I got the one panel at a time technique from. I think it’s still the best car modeling tutorial and it was made years ago. I’d like to see someone make a new, updated one.

Hows the lotus coming along?

Ah, the Lotus–I remember using this in the first or second Need for Speed 10+ years ago. Looks great so far. What type of scenes do you have planned for it?

Great work, especially on the brake caliber (both modeling and shading). Very detailed. Looking awesome.

Looking really fantastic so far.


Thanks guys!

More everything.
Not so dream car. More like a doom car.
Gotta love the 90’s track car look when you had to bolt everything on to the body to get some laps done.


Well the beaten carbon fiber/plastic material seems to work but the metal (steel/aluminium) is still lacking.
Maybe use a bit different settings for metal or change them in quixel. Both ways seems to be working.


Back wing looks better. Modeling almost done but still founding missing details so it will take time until I get to texture everything.


cant wait for the final render

Tweaked the texture maps. Now those use metalness approach PBR-texturing.
Works better with cycles.


Love the detail in those tyres, and that brake calliper is excellent. Oh and the rest of the car is looking fantastic also. Any ideas for the finished colour scheme or are you sticking with the matte effect?

That tire is painfully good. Is the tiny writing bump,texture or displace?

Thank you! There’s gonna be some black paint coat and carbon fiber parts. Then some stickers as it’s a track car.

Thanks! It’s part of the normal map.

Added some details.


Basic Recaro racing seat and Sparco harnesses. Textured in Quixel.
