MinGW-w64 support added

Thanks for the useful explanation Psy-Fi.

I just copied pthreadGC2-w64.dll into Blender folder and it worked!

Simple solution, but I didn’t understand why this *.dll file wasn’t copied automatically.

My *.bat file include these lines

set PATH=H:\Python27;H:\MinGW\bin;H:\MinGW\lib;%PATH%

cd E:\BlenderSVN\blender
python scons\scons.py BF_TOOLSET=mingw

Should BlenderSVN folder be in the same location? (H:\ in this case)

Any chance of a fresh 2.63 build with this? :smiley:

Is the current official 2.63 release for win64 using this?

Official release binaries for windows are still compiled with msvc. We briefly discussed MinGW today, if it proves to be stable and reliable, we might switch to mingw for releases. But that is nothing that will happen anytime soon. I still need to test this and it must work without issues.

i changed my builds to use mingw, the x64 is up, waiting to upload the x32.

@psh-fi: can you help me with a patch that compiles fine in msvcsp1 but not in mingw?

this isnt anything to shake a stick at… check it out…

Psy-fi 45947
32seconds build bvh

Tomato 45946
9.9Seconds build bvh

Official Blender 2.63
49 Seconds Build BVH

I have a file that won’t open without crashing in this build, and I can’t even append the object to a new scene. There are no empties in the file. Any ideas?

What kind of file is it?

I just appended in a rigged character ,
and just to test the Blender logo, with out any problems…

does the file open with an official build?
IF so maybe open it with official build and save it again?

Start removing certain elements,
and saving the file in increments and see if it will open. etc…
keep doing this until you find the problem.

If you do find the problem let someone know.

If you can share the .blend file someone else can try and find the problem.

It’s just a simple scene with a character divided into objects for the main body, gums, teeth, and inner mouth. It’s the main body mesh that crashes the fast build, but I have no problems opening it in any other build of Blender.

does that object have any modifiers attached to it? etc.
what is different with that obj compared to the others?

does the object have textures? if so what file type…
need to keep narrowing it down.

Hi, I wouldn’t recommend switching 100% yet. When I started compiling the libraries for mingw64 I did so with full optimization, but this turns out to be a source for trouble for blender itself. It may turn out that it can be problematic for libraries as well. So I would need to recompile the libraries without aggressive optimization to be 100% certain we get no trouble from there. It’s a nice weekend project to get these recompiled but they are quite a lot :).

m9105826: About the blend file that crashes, could you paste it somewhere to check?
bat3a: Sure I can help if you do a pasteall :wink:
holyenigma: No one is shaking any sticks anywhere :slight_smile: just wait for a week

Unrelated bad news, QtCreator doesn’t like MinGW-w64 gdb :frowning: . Looks like I am back to Eclipse for a while

oh sorry about the shake a stick thing, i just copy and pasted the results from the other page,
i added the BVH build time numbers from the official 2.63 build.

Your time is faster than “Official”, but not as fast as that tomato

No offense taken :slight_smile: I am aware of the gains. The changes required for MinGW-w64 are already in trunk. it’s just a matter of someone merging trunk in tomato or the opposite.

@psy-fi:here is the log:

Compiling ==> 'image_ops.c'
source\blender\editors\space_image\image_draw.c:114:6: error: conflicting types
for 'ED_image_draw_info'
In file included from source\blender\editors\space_image\image_draw.c:65:0:
source\blender\editors\include/ED_image.h:70:6: note: previous declaration of 'E
D_image_draw_info' was here

scons: *** [Z:\Development\blender\build\win64-mingw\source\blender\editors\spac
e_image\image_draw.o] Error 1
scons: building terminated because of errors.

and the patch:

it shows just a warning in msvcsp1, but compiles ok!

BTW it seems that there are compiling error with trunk svn 46060!

You have changed the wrong declaration in the header you should change ED_image_draw_info, located in ED_image.h instead of draw_image_info in image_intern.h.

BVH optimizations are in trunk. Check them out in http://graphicall.org/919

Cool, but prefer mingGW-W64 as I’m an ati user. :slight_smile: The two combined would be awesome… :smiley:

Oh my; you’re my hero; it has bvh optimisations and compiled with mingGW-W64.:spin:

Hi all,
tested your build Psy-fi, it doesn’t work on Windows xp 64 : procedure entry point strnlen not found in msvcrt.dll.
I wrote in the minGW-W64 forum : http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw-w64/forums/forum/723798/topic/5226984