Modo finally gets on the modifier stack/procedural modeling train... Update 10.1

Some screenshots of what?

Haha couldnt have said it better myself. To be quite honest, some of the stuff in Modo just leaves you scratching your head… as in wondering what the hell the designer was thinking or if they have an understanding of what they are supposed to be making. I kind of get this vibe from the current implementation of the procedural modeling stack as well… though whats important is the foundation they are laying down… I just dont understand why they implement some things the way they do. Some stuff is just not easier to use much less understand.

Still love Modo for all the basics though, modeling>UV>Retopo…ect Hoping they can finally sit down and address some of the weaker or oddball design choices that were made.

Images of how nodes work in Modo - since you know Blender as well a side by side comparison would be interesting to know for me.
Not that I will ever use Modo but I like to listen to other users opinions.

That would assume the inner workings and architecture of the source code is not near as much an oddball implementation as the part visible to the user, otherwise the developers at The Foundry may have a hard time expanding on it a few years from now.

Though none of us can actually know how Modo is being coded because the application is closed-source (I guess you just trust that the developers have a very low tolerance for hacks, bandaids, and workarounds and a high regard for refactoring areas when needed).

Well from what I know, whats going on behind the scenes probably couldnt be better… its just the process of it going from technical achievements to actual usability and execution seems to be a problem… its almost as though the ones making the design decisions are also the programmers, which is not that good. Still, if the frame work is good, the means of interaction and workflow can be changed later… which is what I am hoping they will do at some point.

Part of the procedural modeling features is meant to allow 3rd parties and users to create completely new tools and assemblies for use. I am already seeing some good stuff with that… like a tool that lays down roads based on a curve, or rope for that matter.

Tangentially related to the topic at hand: someone is developing their own open-source procedural modeling and animation program, inspired by Wings and Maya:

I am curious if you think this way because you are used to the way how Blender works and thus find Modo odd or not as good.

Not to criticize you - I am just interested if we make decisions because we are too biased.

Do you think you would make the same conclusion if you only would know Modo?

Personally I dont like the Modo UI as I feel Blender seems more fluid to me - but I am not if that is the case because I know Blender better.
Between Blender and Maya I have no difference because I feel they are a lot more similar.

I also feel they both provide information in a similar manner.

Well thats the thing, I started using Modo since 701… So I have had plenty of time to explore the differences between it, Blender and Maya (from which I originally came from). I love Modo, when it comes to modeling, UV, retopo…ect it just feels extremely smart. In fact it started off as a modeling application, since then though they grew it to be more than the basic modeling workflow. The more I used it the more I found the outlying areas a bit odd, as if it was created or designed by someone different. As a result I avoided those parts I found poorly designed or just frustrating to use. Its like reading a comic book and suddenly the artist and author change, making it not feel… like its the same continuation of a story. One of reasons I avoid the nodes in Modo, even though I like them in other applications is in part because they feel … almost tossed in with no real thought behind who its supposed to be for or what the convention is. The UI hasnt quite upgraded itself to match all the new features that have been added, giving it the same problem Blender had with adding more stuff and cramming the UI.

They fixed some of it with version 10’s game tools layout, but at the end of the day its just a streamlined layout. I think the design philosophy has to change a bit to cover the non basic stuff… including the nodes as well as UI options. I also do not like working with Apple’s OS… and a lot of Modo’s UI elements pull from the Apple side… so there is that subjective dislike that I have to constantly ignore. Thats a different story altogether.

All software I have used, Modo, Maya, Blender…ect is a love hate relationship with some parts. One of the hate parts is Modo’s nodes being so absolutely boring and un-informative to use… you cant even customize the UI colors… which leaves you with a bright grey/babyblue canvas and nodes with no real intuitive way to use them. Seems silly give that the modeling process is extremely intuitive. I have to give Blender props for getting those two things right. The modifier stack they are adding (now that there is an open beta) reveals that it is just another outliner like list (theres already two of them for other categories)… with nests upon nests of data you have to click through just to access its properties… which is not visually distinct from anything else in Modo. I wish they took the time to develop a unique UI/UX for it.

The process feels tacked on rather than designed smartly with automation playing a role at simplifying the experience. I get why they want to just toss it in (gets the ball rolling) but it could easily end up being left as is design wise while they focus on other features… thus making it very frustrating to use (way more micro managing than is necessary). They also only have a small team of developers… Every application has its irks though, I’m just expressing some frustration at a few of their design choices that don’t seem to be a priority in fixing atm.

If I have a bias, its more in favor of Modo than against it… so when I take issue with a design choice it doesnt come easily. Some users want more control, more technical options given to them, others want it to be as simple and streamlined as possible. I’m in the simple streamlined camp. Modo’s other areas delve into the technical side, giving a lot more control but also make it far more difficult/heavy to use.
