Morph to target mesh modifier is ready for testing

Hey Tung

thanks for your help. I hope people will test your build as well.



Yes,I have almost the same request too ( your patch is already very useful ! ):

Main Purpose is to have one object that morph(animate) from many parts(other objects),so that we can export this object’s point cache.

Image that it’s a character,it’s arm、body、leg、head are individual objects and deform individually.
With another object which is combination of these parts,and one modifier can copy current transformation of different parts.then we can write just one pointcache file(.mdd or .pc)for this character,good for pipeline.

to do that,this modifier need to have these features:
1.morphing with modifiered/animated target(after deform modifiers)
2.for all vertexs that selected in vertex group offset their vertex order to start from 0(match to target).

It maybe confuse,sorry.


Thanks for your input. I naturally would like to make it more extensible. But first it has to to be accepted as a feature, I do not want to waste my time really.

As for as additional moprhing, there is naother morph deformer type has been developed. Search the forums to see that one as well. It might be able to provide some of the features you are looking for.


Thanks for your reply,I will do a search.