
That expression right there… Priceless.

The skin looks great

Looks good made me smile too

Interesting inspiration - the fullness/how bulbous the body of the mosquito is makes me a bit revolted but in this case that’s what you are going for I guess! Could be an effective anti-malarial fundraiser graphic!

I just made an audible ‘aww’ noise when I saw it’s little face. Kind of like, if all mosquitoes looked like this, I would be totally chill with it sucking my blood. The detail you put into the skin is insane! Incredibly well done!

Hah hah hah. Great character modeling. Cartoony is nice.

Haha, love it. Really good idea and well executed. The only critique I have is where his proboscis enters the skin is a little lackluster, maybe a red bump, or some bending up of the skin would have helped. Very small critique though, keep up the good work!

OMG those eyes! I can hold back the laughter. Glad your back. Keep up the good work!

She deserves to die.

Funny scene and of cause excellent work! :slight_smile:

Geeez, cant stand this things!!! Awesome work for being rusty haha! I would add hairs to the skin and a bump on where the mouth is!

:slight_smile: funny, excellent… just pity that it’ll blow up!

Looks like an Oggy and the Cockroaches characters! It’s simply amazing how artistic and technical one can be at the same time!

Hi everyone, I’m very flattered that you all liked it :slight_smile:


Looks like a mosquito from a Children’s cartoon, really nice

funny, it seems enjoying it.