(New Cycles picture) Minecraft doodles. (Some fan art)

Hi everyone. Thanks for the comments! Good to see that some people find these funny, which was my goal.

Ummm… like how to texture the MineBlend imported worlds for Cycles? Or what do you mean? I am willing to help. I just do not want to waste my time doing something other than what you want.

Does Minecraft have DOF?[/QUOTE]

Well actually you can get some pretty cool mods. Here is one for instance: sonic-ethers-unbelievable-shaders-glsl-shaders-dynamic-shadows-more

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha that first picture is really funny! I love minecraft!

houu I like those! The realistic shading gives a weird sensation :stuck_out_tongue: (in the good way)!
I started writing a minecraft importer for blender with a friend, and we even got network import to enable logging into a server with blender as a fake player and downloading the cubes. But we went to other things and never achieved a version good enough to be released.
I don’t want to spend more time on it if only one or two people will use it.
If the project interest some of you I can get back to my friend and relaunch development.

Funny you should mention that. My version of Minecraft has Bokeh DOF, parallax occlusion mapping, real-time shadows, HDR lighting along with various other effects like moving grass, wheat and tree leaves. Sonic Ether’s unbelievable shaders mod does a lot for the game, in cases even making it look better than some the renders I’ve seen people post.

Regarding the OP, I really like the digging down one. It definitely captures the spirit of the game very well. Definitely looking forward to any new images, hopefully featuring some mineblend imports too :slight_smile:

Hi A’nW,

I really like the cycles rendering “out to late” you posted. Could you please tell me how you set up the “minecraft” sky and the nice sunlight in cycles ?

Wow, what are the chances. I’ve currently just come to visit this forum for a couple of minutes while I wait for my friend to log back on to my Minecraft server, and I see the first Minecraft post I’ve seen on here.
Funny old world, eh.

Nice work btw. I’ve seen some Minecraft renders that do it all wrong with bendy arms and the like.

Thanks for the comments everyone.

Hi Jonas,
Yeah, I could put something up here, I don’t mind or anything. Might be a couple days though. Thanks for liking it also.

I love these images! They are amazing! :smiley: If you can animate you should make short videos! :slight_smile:

Wow, thanks. I really enjoy making them and am glad a few others can get a laugh out of them! As far as an animation goes, I would really like to make some (I’m capable enough), I just don’t really have enough time right now. I also generally lack story ideas… :frowning:

Don’t know if you are still expecting an answer to you question or not but here is a quick picture to show how I set you the cycles sky. Sorry it took so long.

Everything is pretty simple really.

When i import minecraft into blender and render with cycles the textures apear blurred and not clear and pixilated. How do you change this?


Tank you very much for the explanation of your setup. It really helped me!

I enjoyed the clay render more. Minecraft is like butt-ugly 8-bit sprites meet butt-ugly Doom scenery.