Novus Terra

Nicely done! I textured it. It has a diffuse+AO and a spec map. Its looking quite nice.

I also modeled a tank:

EDIT: Didn’t see you there SolarLune.

There are 2 dynamic lights in that scene. I also plan to have cabinets or some kind of panels on the walls to break it up.


Use UV scrolling for tank treads, it’s efficient and looks good. :slight_smile:

Deagleattempt.blend (219 KB)
not sure if you could use it, but I modeled a Desert Eagle the last night; here it is if you want it

this looks awesome, how about some gameplay video??

Everyone, be sure to check out the website I’ve been working on for the game!

Professional website, but why is there a skyscraper at the top? It looks more like a corporation than a game project. Still, it’s pretty good. Nice job.

I don’t have any of the game models, other than one I made. So that is a filler until I can get something custom from the game for it.
Thanks for the compliment.

P.S. It’s still a WIP, only been online 3 days now

Take me off the project please

Fayt, please take part in my challenge of you. It should educate you, but not change any life choices, Im glad you like being straight edge, but please dont take yourself from a project because of something that someone else is doing.

Also, thank you for giving me the opportunity for being part of this, but sadly I believe i will HAVE to drop out. there is too much work I am doing at…well…work ahaha.

I come home so tired that I just cant take the time to model anything, let alone a generator (although the generator is almost done if you still want it)

I will take part in this project if you dont mind my downtime however, as I really like the screens, and all the stuff that has been done already looks amazing. So if you dont mind that I wont be able to do that much, please keep me on.

Has nothing to do with drugs from the other thread, it’s the fact that my own team member is being a total @SS to me, treating me like crap. I refuse to work with him. So goodbye

Hey, Excalaberr, if you still need help feel free to contact me (either Pm or this thread). I can do basic modeling, texturing etc. I am still working on my programming skills and my music skills, so I can’t help with either of those.

Wow, a lot of things has happened!

@ fayt: Well, you’ve been a good team member! Feel free to comeback at anytime!

@ Evil Moon: Sure, stay on the project and only do what you can.

@warflight: That desert eagle looks good, I’m sure we can find a place for it!

@ Sonic14: Sure, welcome to the team. As I said before we are using google docs to coordinate the project, I need your email address to add you to the team.


thanks excalaberr, I really am enjoying what you and your team are doing here, its fantastic work.

Thankfully, I have finished my exams, and can now resume work within this project, below is a render of my progress on a M16 Rifle, currently is has 1375 faces.

Hey, sorry for my 3 day absence! I’m back for now.

@ warflight: Thanks!

@ KeyFinder: The M16 looks good! And the game is using the SSAO filter, along with the SSAA filter martinish made. The filters will be toggle-able in game so dont worry about performance issues.

Also, welcome the new teammates - andrew-101, and kcmcroxton the new animator!

This is looking incredible!
By the way, I’d still love to follow your progress on"Existence"… Could you post a link to it’s current progress?

Thanks, about Existence, right now only the core of the game is done, models, textures, and animations are just starting to being made so we dont have a thread, page, or a site on the game, and because of changes to the release timeline (instead of small releases we are releasing it in 3 medium sized parts) we probably wont have one for a while. Although I will send you a PM when we do (if I remember…)

Back on topic here, we need a concept artist to look over the games/movies we are taking inspiration from and come up with a unified style for this game. We also need a highpoly modeler, or ideally 2, one for hard surface modeling, and one for detailed organic modeling/sculpting.

If you want to join the project please PM me.

I updated the Models Todo doc with a bunch more models, I updated the story based on critics and ideas of the team, and I modeled and textured (in progress) a Caucasian female head.


This is awesome. At first I thought I was reading the plot of a book. I’m really interested in this project. Too bad I can be of no use. BUT! I will work are and try and become the very best modeler I can be!:smiley:

Gotta love that kind of attitude ^ :smiley:

Hmm…Hmm [Nods twice]