Pirate Lady

@BiggR haha well I really should have paid more attention to that, but like you say, it kinda makes sense for her to wear a man’s shirt, her being a pirate and all :smiley:

@Madrid82 thanks man. appreciate it :slight_smile:

Thanks VFXHive :smiley: I appreciate it.

I’m planning to release some models and textures from this project on BlendSwap, I’ll post the link here, so stay tuned for that :smiley:

I feel the legs are too long, and she seems to be walking as if unaffected by the tilt of the ship/camera. Otherwise, top drawer stuff. The texturing and modeling are superb.

she’ll bl**p you up, man, don’t mess with that chick.

Congratulations on the top row addition. Well deserved :slight_smile:

Thanks guys! Wow top row! Thank you! :smiley: :smiley:

the legs where a bit long tho, othet that that, amazing details.

You’re a bit shy I think with your “horrible mistakes”. I can’t find them! I think you should say quite the opposite.

Horrible mistakes or false modesty? My humble opinion is that this piece is extraordinary good.
I hope to see more from you. Good luck.

Really good work :slight_smile:

This is, as many others have well-said, a masterfully executed scene. The only thing that feels odd to me about it … and maybe this is a wide-angle lens artifact … is that her legs seem dis-proportionately long. Whereas the torso occupies half the body and the knees are about a fourth of the way up, this lady’s body seems to be divided into about equal thirds.

And, while it may seem an utterly un-appreciative travesty for me to say this after you have so-lovingly modeled and executed so very many things, I actually like the close-up portrait of this fine lady a lot more. I’m always a sucker for moving the camera in close®: for a MCU instead of the all-encompassing establishing-shot; the normal or tele lens instead of the fisheye.

I also appreciate that, while this lass is somewhat buxom (of course), she isn’t bustin’ out of “something Spandex that’s cut down to her belly-button,” neither does she look like she would “fall-forward from the sheer weight of her blessings, and bounce.” :eek: She’s wearing a realistic and well-modeled blouse that looks like she’s been fighting in it. So, you neatly avoided what has become a “CG-femme cliche.”

Now, when I take my cropping-boards (two L-shaped pieces cut from a former picture-frame mat), and start to crop-in tighter and tighter on what is now in the larger picture, different and maybe more-dramatic things start to come out. Say our dolly is about waist-high, we’re framing just above (of course) her pubis, to just above the top of her head, and we’ve moved just a little amidships of where we are now and turned the camera slightly astern … moved a few of the very-delicious on-deck objects so we can still see them somewhere … say?


wow. those canons are looking stunning! (the other stuff, too of course). But I really dig the cannons :slight_smile:

What a great image!! :slight_smile: I love how you did the ropes. They look really great!! :slight_smile:

Any tutorials on that part?

congrats for the top row , awesome work squareeyes :slight_smile: keep it up

Thank you all for your kind feedback (and critiques also). I highly appreciate it :smiley:

@ albron thanks man, the ropes were done using an array modifier and a curve-deform modifier. I might do a bit of a “show and tell” on that if I get some time. :wink:

cheers all!



Hey cool, you got it finished. Looks great. I thought she’d end up being top row material. :smiley:

I totally approve of how the stray cannonballs now have something downhill of them. And I still think she’s too good a character to not be in her own game.

She’s not intended to be completely true to life. Guss deliberately gave her a slight touch of anime. The original topic says she is “stylised”. She looks a little odd at first glance, but she grows on you.

I also appreciate that, while this lass is somewhat buxom (of course), she isn’t bustin’ out of “something Spandex that’s cut down to her belly-button,” neither does she look like she would “fall-forward from the sheer weight of her blessings, and bounce.” :eek: She’s wearing a realistic and well-modeled blouse that looks like she’s been fighting in it. So, you neatly avoided what has become a “CG-femme cliche.”
Ok, so some parts of her are realistic. I agree she’s all the better for it. If all women were like the “CG-femme cliche” I think the world would be a much poorer place.

The only thing I do miss slightly about some of the earlier renders is her fiercer expression in some of those. I thought it went well as a counterbalance to the general cuteness of her features. She really looked like she meant business.

Thanks Gumboots! your awesome critiques in the WIP section did much to get this piece to where it is (even though we both know how much I “stretched” reality) :wink: :wink:

As for the character, you’re absolutely right regarding the stylization etc. of course I’m not totally happy with it, but then I never am :slight_smile: I learnt so much during this artwork, and about ships in general, I feel it’s been time well spent. And thanks for your thoughts about her facial expression. I certainly agree with you that the previous renders had some extra “spark”… I may do a re-render at some point and bring that back. If I can :smiley:
