
Alright! Here it is with better reflections:

I really like the new render in comparison, but agree that there needs to be some degree of reflectivity still.

This is as far as I go. Hopefully it is good enough. I will move onto other things. Do you wish for the .blend file or a .blend file with the material setup? It doesn’t work purely for raspberries, I assure you. :smiley: It has it’s uses and experimentation brings out a large number of possibilities with it.

Fantastic modeling and scene setup!


Scary how real it looks. You making me hungry. Can i grab one?

Sure! You’re free to eat as many as you want, fresh from the GPU in fact these berries are. :smiley:

Yes, yes, I would like the .blend.

I am still not sure about the specularity. If you don’t mind me saying, they look “fake”, in the sense that they look like a shader, lambert, phong or what have you. This is a problem I notice in cycles, since it is not physically based. The specular does not look like a reflection of a light, but a shader. I had this problem setting up this scene.

I guess turning the light to be brute force should work, but it is painfully slow in cycles.

Other then that, I do prefer your scene. The fake sss looks much better and so does the light. I wish to study it further.

Hmm… I see what you mean, I’ll send the .blend file after doing one last render. I think I might have made the surface rough so it looks weird…

Here’s a quick (noisy) render with greater roughness. I’m not sure ‘how’ much better it is but maybe it really is better…?

How would you like me to send the .blend file? It’s 75MB…

Don’t get me wrong about the specularity. I don’t think it was a problem with your shader, but cycles itself.

It always look fake. I have to do some tests with brute force to see if I can solve it.

As for you image, the specular is gone again, but it looks so smooth and like silk. It looks great.
You can delete the meshes and keep the shader to a simple sphere. We don’t really need the model, since it is already in blendswap.

Alright, I’ll put it in a .blend file all by itself.

the name also applies to these plants themselves. Raspberries are perennial with woody stems

There ya go!

SSS_Base_Material.blend (573 KB)

That’s a complicated shader. I will take a while analyzing it.

nice raspberry,they’re so real that attracting me to eat.

Took me a while to build it so that it was modular. Tiring. Well good luck!

Very nice rendering!

However I would say that the “balls” are a little bit too regularly placed; in my view, some displacment would add some natural. Newertheless, very well done! :eyebrowlift:

At first I thought the shading and rendering had artifacts, but then I realized it was the fine detailed fuzz hairs! These renders look delicious! I mean raspberries were enticing enough in real life anyway, but then you had to go and make them perfect! Please never make a render of blackberries or cheesecake otherwise we will all be doomed to desiring food that does not, and never can exist! Joking of course, a very nice scene overall, one question though. Is the foliage in the background a blurred out part of the scene, or a composted image? Thanks.

seems good taste…

I’ll explain: It’s an environment map that is blurred due to the DoF.

Looks like a photograph to me ^.~ very well done.