(realtime) Boom - BlenderDoom :)

I’m only sad that I haven’t been able to get GLSL shading in the apricot builds to work right, else I might have something to show too – especially after that cool transparency by distance nodes – and especially after THISOHMYGOD

awesome. Kudos , endi.
next, some crysis level main player characters… :wink:

I finally realized what had been bugging me about this- it reminds me of stalker a lot more than doom (yes, that’s all, but it was enough to get me all bothered XD). in doom, everything was really clean and looked like plastic, whereas here and in stalker everything looks a lot more used and dirty and generally realistic. again, fantastic job :slight_smile:

I love Stalker, one of the best game ever created. :slight_smile:

AMAZING! I like how detailed the textures are as you can see by the close-up screenshots. That would be great if that level of detail would be reachable without such a low frame rate.

Are there any tutorials available for normal maps in the GE?

Texture size and frame rate are independent.
And I use detail maps, so there is no very very big textures.

Normal map tutorial

Endi, your pictures are so good they make my brain hurt.

Please hurt me some more… :wink:

everything was really clean and looked like plastic

I took part in a Doom3 mod for some time…and was not impressed at all for a single fact: the engine, at least when modding for the game, wasnt very up to getting large textures…most were very small, and imho, the attention put to difuse, could have been greater… I mean, i much prefer bigger textures… hi res modeling can’t do it all…

It may be 5 fps, but the level of texture detail is astounding! And this is all from glsl shading?

darn! Endi, those shots are amazing!!! great work. They look like screenshots taken from bioshock! :slight_smile:

thanks for posting them.


Incredible that this level of graphics is achievable in Blender. Endi… you are amazing! :).

That said, I think people are getting a bit over-excited here. The game engine needs a LOT more optimizations before we’ll every be able to make this quality of game. The fact that this only runs at 5 fps on a medium-high end card seems to indicate that there’s a LOT of work more that needs to be done.

I know we’ve seen leaps and bounds in the graphics and even speed department in the past few months, but realize that this level of graphics quality is not only difficult for one person to make, but it’s also probably going to run very slow for quite some time.

Sorry for being a pessimist…


way to be a negative nancy, sam.


Oh, wow! jaws dropped This is yet one proof of superb artistry. And hell, it’s a game! Who would believe that? This is indeed industry quality. Shading, lighting, colors, everything is just fantastic!

Though the DoF isn’t quite realistic, but that doesn’t matter, who would have thought these pieces could have DoF on them. WoooOoow! Congratulations to both of you, endi and mpan3!

Thanks for this masterpiece and inspiration! :slight_smile:

You know… I would play on that if it was baked AO only! Hope this works out!

You need to create a Python script that call the function Rasterizer.makeScreenshot, changing the name of the final image.

import GameLogic as G 
import Rasterizer as R 
    G.counter += 1 
    G.counter = 1 
filename = "SS_%05d.jpg" % (G.counter) 

This file format is set in the Render Panel. If you change there you should change it here also :slight_smile: (e.g. instead of jpg, bmp)

All the images are stored in the current directory.

Eventually you will need to Enable All Frames to have a better result. As it take a lot of resources of the computer (i.e. it is slow) we maybe would like to transform your camera movement in a pre-defined IPO. So you just need to play it, instead of control it in real-time.

Very impressive demo, congratulations!

Congrats Endi!
Screenshots look wonderful. BGE is getting better and better, i believe that with a massive optimization (lower polycount, reduced texture size, some new occlusion methods or portal system) it could become a powerful tool for creating serious game projects. ;]
Great job, this is beautiful presentation of cabailities of BGE.

Again: when I set texture size to 32x32 pixel, the fps is 5.
Geometry: all that rendered is only ~30.000 triange. This is very low poly count.
So the BGE glsl is very slow.

Yes, occlusion or portal system needed. But in this case a pre-z fill enough I think.

dfelint, it works, thank you