registering classes in Blender for all time

So ! I finally tried this version

class MakeTetrahedron(bpy.types.Operator) :
bl_idname = “mesh.make_tetrahedron”
bl_label = “Add Tetrahedron”
bl_options = {‘REGISTER’,‘UNDO’,‘PRESET’}
def execute(self, context):
print(‘Kris is testing’)
return {“FINISHED”}

And it prints “FINISHED” like expected and the print works too, so there’s no doubt that it’s working ;). Very happy for this final result.
Now we know howw to make a basic add-on wich is a good beginning!

I also tried to replace the name of the function ‘execute’ with ‘other’ for example, and it retruns me “PASS THROUGH” so the function didn’t work cuz cancelled. It means that execute is the standard name like others functions used in add-ons as invoke or draw taht have to be used everytime when needed.

have to try the import in add-ons now.

Would be good to see your add-on.

Well, my add-on project is done and ready to post. I’ve just had other things come up, that have kept me away from the computer. When I do post the add-on, I will also need to write a description and a few basic instructions to go with it.

Glad to hear that you got your project working.

Great for your add-on !
About my work, I’m now compressing some informations by simplifying some lines using lot of loops, and then, I’m going to put them in a short function, then, it will be useful for the add-on. actually the add-on will generate basically random cubic forms by summing cubes in space randomly and giving complex structures, it’s a cubic system with a cubic space. Then I will have to make it more accurate and use it in making random and original buildings like skyscapers or even houses (by adding parameters), or more, like for example modern interior. Tired of drawing manually, we need generators.
I use blender as a test for my algorithm, this code will in future be part of my bigger project wich is making a new 3d software. The actual add-on is a work of 1 year.

Have a lot of respect for guys who have learn 3d programming (by themselve), and have the ambition to develop add-ons and more generally codes.