River Side

This is an absolutely beautiful work of art! Is the grass modeled, or is it strand rendering?

… (speechless)

But for some reason I wish it could be Cycles, instead of Octane… Maybe one day…

This is an absolutely amazing work of art! Is the grass modeled, or is it strand rendering?
edit: sorry for the duplicate post, my bad

Absolutely gorgeous! Been staring at this for hours.

Wow, the amount of greenery is astonishing but still incredibly realistic. Are they all models or did you use some arch vis textures for the ones in the background?

Pure Awesomeness!
WHAT the heck!
Unreal! I can’t believe what I’m seeing! WIREFRAME!!! GREAT WORK! Need Wireframe! Unbelievable work, man! Congrats!

Can I live here. Beautiful work sir.

very nice, i wish my computer could handle all those objects

Kind of struggling to find words to describe how awesome these renders are. Truly epic piece of work

flawless victory…
how did you got all that instances in Octane?
And can you post some wires?

That’s beautiful. I’d live there.

Wow, amazing

what an inspiration for all of us, absolutely stunning work once again:)

Ugh. Goooooorrrrrgggggeeeooouuuuusssss.

Very cool, it indeed has this “painterly” feeling to it. Yet it still looks very realistic.

Regarding the tree generator script. I do not think people would mind going back to 2.4 for a little while. Some people here might be able to help you with porting the script to 2.6 and even make it more user-friendly. I want to try it out because this certainly seems to give much better results than any tree-generator I have ever seen. In the end it is up to you though, I can understand if you want to avoid lots of emails from folks asking for help using your script.

This is totally awesome

Wow. That has to be the most amazing piece of 3D art I’ve ever seen.

wow, that is just really nice. lighting is perfect. nice renders.
(edit) there is a lot of stuff in there…did the scene bog down your processor much?

Wow! Amazing!

Very Nice indeed, Love to know the poly counts on some of those renders and what hardware you’re using… amazing.