S700 Digital Camera.

The modeling, etc., is unquestionably fantastic … but the images do actually have a serious exposure-problem. You have areas on the front of the camera which appear to go to “opaque darkness.” There is “no detail in the shadow.”

For a real-world photographer, the moon is a harsh mistress: the negative is tossed off the photo editor’s light table and lands in the Bucket Of Death. But in the case of a render, I’ve found that there’s something that you can do. I render images purposely with a slightly “bland” look, then re-shape the tonal ranges “in post” with curves.

(In film terms … I make sure that the necessary detail exists on the negative, because if it doesn’t, it really is a piece of scrap plastic. If the necessary image data is there, then, through burning-and-dodging or other darkroom tricks, I “in post” produce the final presentation that I want.)

I have this, same camera too!
You did great work, i like it!

It is Amazing the level of detail and texturing,
Very well done my friend :slight_smile:


This is amazing! I wish I could do work at this level! XD one question! How did u do the wire renders? I read somewhere that it wasn’t so easy to do a wireframe in cycles?

This is seriously great work. I particularly like the brushed metal around the lens. What are your settings for that?

wow really nice and great topology aswell. keep it up!


Very well done - ALL of them - and congratulations!

Really nice modeling and the turntable video quite good too (maybe stretch out the time just a bit and add a short tune).

Thanks also for all the extras - always good to see such inspirational works :slight_smile:

Pity about the uploading compression artifacts, i’m sure they would be even better at fullrez. Great work i love it!

Quite superb Gwenouille!! how long did it take to render the third image and the animation?

Great job! What type of camera did you take the picture of the camera with? :wink:

Waw, that’s quite a lot of positive reviews. Thank you every ones. I’ll try to answer your questions.
@sundialsvc4: oh yes, i see what you mean: My monitor is nicely calibrated, and it was already quite dark when i made it. Now that i visualize the picture on another machine (i am away from home for a while), it is seriously dark ! It is something i have to work on, for sure.
@Waterworm: haha, they are getting a bit old aren’t they ? But i still like it a lot.
@Tungerz: thanks a lot !
@Mobyfreerunner: Hi, thanks. For the wire renders: it is a bit tricky in fact. What i did is a copy of the file, then i jointed all the meshes into one. Then i applied one material that uses UV unwrap. It is a setting i found in the great Cycles thread in here somewhere. I can’t recall the name of the guy that invented the way to do that… I believe you’ll find it by searching for “cycles wireframe material” or so in this forum. There is a human bust shown as example… I can’t search it for you know, as i use a painfully slow connection right now… maybe next week !
@danilius: thanks ! Nothing fancy for the material: it’s only a glossy shader. I spent much time tweaking the glossyness amount, that’s all !
@jafem: Thank you. Topology is not an area where i am particularly good. In fact i struggled a lot ! I believe there are numerous flaws in there !
@Kelly Bellis : Thanks a lot !
@MarcoG_Ita : Maybe if i have them on another server and add links it would work better ?
@koolstrings: The closeUp ? It was quite quick in fact. It seems to be everyone’s favourite, but it ws just a small render, halfway through the modeling process: the front of the camera wasn’t even modelled at that stage. I use GPU rendering on a GTX570. I’d say it took about 5 minutes or so. The turntable ran for a good 3 hours.
@rioforce: beats me ! I can’t remember ! :wink:

Yes, that is the thread I was thinking of. Let me some time and i will find it for you this WE. Or better, link to a blend with the proper material… As µI said, I am not home ow, and my connection is a real real pain…

Thanks and no hurry :slight_smile:

really cool!

I remember commenting on your WIP thread, really impressed with how it turned out. Congrats on making it into the featured row.

Stunning job!

You could still improve a bit on the grip texture. But anyways, Good job!

Yeah, never, ever use the generic type lensflares. Other than that, really good model, texturing & lighting. Love it. :slight_smile:

@ Kelly Bellis: I have found the material and prepared a file for you: see your PM box in a short bit.
@ fernan: Thanks !
@ Mrmagician: yes, I remember your help. I am very proud of my very 1st featured row appearance !
@ 1818 :Yep, you are right. I guess there is always something to improve on !
@ Farmfield : Thanks for the nice words ! Still too much lens flares you think ?

Awesome job! It looks very lifelike and everything is to scale! :slight_smile:

It’s the type of flare - obviously added/digital flare. It breaks the illusion of reality. To sad VideoCopilot haven’t ported their Optical Flares for PS, that is an awesome plugin to create some nice flaring. :slight_smile: