Sith Fury

glad you are still working on this, looks great!

I finally finished all of the panel detail on the top and bottom of the ship (haven’t rendered that out yet) and started on all the random junk placed around the perimeter of the ship. This is just a quick render for now…


Thanks. I look forward to completing this model.

Do you want to see something cool? The modeling is complete! There are only minor tweaks I noticed during the cleanup and unwrapping that need to be made. I’m looking forward to starting the textures and rig.

Some quick, plain, lazy clay renders for the time being.


And here are a couple more…


I am relieved that the hard work is over. It feels good that all the hours of coffee fueled and cross-eye inducing modeling is finished. <heaps thanks unto all>

I baked out some ambient occlusion maps and rendered with a bit of metal shine. The texturing begins…


And a couple more.
I tried to upload a render of the landing gear, but it failed a couple of times and I don’t want to mess with it at the moment.


OMG,this is really brilliant!!!

Looks awesome! nice detail - can’t wait to see it textured!

very cool! Love it :slight_smile:

I am currently working on a mecha from a reference photo. It has some detail but not as much as your model. But it is so time consuming to add it, but so much rewarding. Be glad they added B-Mesh in 2.63. Hope to see a nice render soon on this forum.

Very nice model!
much detail! can’t wait till it is fully textured!

Thanks everyone! I hope to get this textured soon. I tried to start on it yesterday, but my old wacom tablet won’t work. Never had a problem with it before. Plugged it in this time and nothing. Re-loaded drivers, device settings, etc. I even went so far as to punch the computer in the face. Hope the tablet didn’t die of old age. :frowning:

Great work! Keep it up!

That is very well done. When I imagine all that greebling that you had to put in place: :eek:
Bravo sir. Bravo.

Hope I am able to deliver now that I got around to starting the textures. I had to go over the model and create a bunch of vertex groups, bake out some masks and set up the layers for the texture files.

Here is a couple of plain diffuse renders of the front landing gear. Minor bit of tweaking/detail still needed. Have to do something about the glaring sharp corners of the lower arm. I will not bevel. Don’t want to redo the unwraps, etc. No specular map(s) yet. The texture on the rear gear is just a place holder for the moment.


Great work… Nothing more to say…

What’s you’re wacom tablet model?

It’s an old one. GD0608 Intuos. About time for a new one probably.

Just getting the colors down and painting seams out before I even out the some of the color and do a second pass with some minor detail.

And kind thanks.


This is looking great.