Some new(?) tool:

In linux you need to set the hotkeys as ‘PRESS’ to work correctly, just change them in the file and all will be good.

Ok, after a while researching I discovered that you were referring to edit the code and replacing ‘RELEASE’ by ‘PRESS’ in those problematic hotkeys :slight_smile:
‘H’, ‘I’, ‘B’, ‘C’, ‘D’, ‘R’ and I do not know if I forget some other.
I’m not coder but found something curious that this is not the same code for Windows and Linux.
Thank you.

The addon have been updated indeed.

Pixivore will create a post here soon.

And I did absolutly nothing on the addon, pixivore is a beast on coding !
Don’t know if it’s the latest build, but now you can call the tool in edit mode and no need of booltool or rebool, carver only.

Wow, looks really nice and easy to use!

Great news!

Very useful tools shared by bluecd. it is good for new devices mainly. I love it and will continue to use it.

Veryuseful tools shared by bluecd. it is good for new devices mainly. Ilove it and will continue to use it.