
Amazing as always, martinsh! 45 fps with NVidia GeForce 9500 512 Mb.

This is pretty sweet. I’m getting, like 5% rasterizer usage on a AMD Radeon HD 7700.

This is really nice. But can someone describe the difference between ssgi and ssao?

SSGI is screen-space global illumination - it colors nearby faces by the colors from bright objects.
SSAO is screen-space ambient occlusion - it darkens nearby faces by the distance to close objects.

That’s my (probably incorrect) understanding of it.

Does anyone happen to have the BLEND file laying around that they could re-upload?
The pasteall seems to have expired.

in pasteall is evrything and evrytime deleted =D please reupload the .blend

I have pasted Cloud_GL’s code into a 2Dfilter but it does have some kind mask/screening effect that does not appear in martinsh version.

Also the alternate computes for gl_FragColor only produce white output. How do I mix it with the color of the scene?

    //gl_FragColor = vec4(color*mix(finalAO/3*2+7*finalGI,white,mask),1.0);
    //gl_FragColor = vec4(mix(finalAO+finalGI,white,mask),1.0);
    gl_FragColor = vec4(color*finalAO+finalGI*0.6,1.0);


263_bge_glsl_ssGI_shader.blend (145 KB)

Yo, Atom. I’m not sure what’s up, but your blend file runs exceptionally slowly for me. Here’s a version of martinsh’s script that I nabbed from awhile back that runs faster and that has the scene color mixed in - maybe it’ll be of some use to you.

EDIT: Here’s the link.

@SolarLune: Thanks, that glowing effect is also what I have been looking for. My scene may run slow because of the subsurf on the monkey.

A version for 2.67?