Swapper - Open Game Project

if needed to make some props / assets I can help, also it would be great to have an asset list (just in case not using one yet) so artist can select what to model, also to have some control management. something like this:

This is what I use to have more control in the development process, so I think this may help, if needed.



Let me know if you need anything coded…


on facebook, you know me as অন্দকার শক্তি. And I’ll make more levels for this

Thanks a lot for the feedback! For now the organisation is still in the starting phases and we are using google drive to share files. Mataii the list for asset creation seems to be a very good idea. We will adapt that!

We are also keeping the conversation up in skype, still discussing story and the main concept of the game. If you want to join, you can do so here:

Hoping to progress soon!

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