Texture Paint Plus

Some on use this addon on 2.71?
For me not working:
“easy acces popup”
“selection mask”

I’m using 2.71 (and version 1.28 of the script)…

. make sure you are in Texture Paint mode - the “w” key brings up a small square of colour, which allows you to change only the colour of the current brush (not the rest of the settings as per the video). I suspect the API might have changed - I will check to see where the rest of the dialog has gone;

. selection mask key “s” also works in Texture Paint mode - the first time you press “s” it will show “Select” on the menu, allowing you to select your mask faces with right-click (or “c” and brush-select and esc), and paint within the selected faces with left-click.

allows you to change only the colour of the current brush
yes - color wheel appear - i just compare what appears to me and on video and write “not working” because only wheel appear. Hope you add all that was there. Thanks for answers.

about “s” - sorry all works - my fault

Please try this version below (1.28a). The brush settings structure had indeed changed and should be fully displayed now. The only bug I can see at the moment is that the brush curve panel does not update when you click the shortcuts on the popup dialog - but if you move your mouse over the Curve panel in the Toolbar then it does seem to update (a display update problem?). Despite not seeing the curve, the brush should have changed painting behaviour though.

texture_paint_plus_128a.py.zip (15.9 KB)

That’s so great,I think.Is a useful add-on,And thank you

Great and useful addon, but with texture_paint_plus_128a and latest Blender build I get the following error when trying to draw a straight line:

Traceback (most recent call last):  File ".../texture_paint_plus_128a.py", line 1385, in modal
  File ".../blender-2.71-939503a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/2.71/scripts/modules/bpy/ops.py", line 188, in __call__
    ret = op_call(self.idname_py(), None, kw)
TypeError: Converting py args to operator properties:  PAINT_OT_image_paint.stroke error converting a member of a collection from a dicts into an RNA collection, failed with: TypeError: Converting a python list to an RNA collection: keyword "size" missing

location: <unknown location>:-1

location: <unknown location>:-1

That’s rather worrying Dragon.sh - I don’t get that here, with the Win64 release 2.71 (from splashscreen - Date: 2014-06-25 hash: 9337574). It looks like something pythonic might have changed in the newer version (I’m guessing you are using the super-latest Blender build, and not the release version?). Would it be possible to revert to the standard 2.71-release and see if you get the same error?

(( for what it’s worth, I think I’ve seen people report that problem with other scripts as well… not quite sure what the solution is at this stage, as I’m passing a simple list to the builtin operator bpy.ops.paint.image_paint() there, which used to work… )).

Yes, it does work with 2.71 Linux x64 release (hash 9337574). But it does not work anymore with latest build. Sorry if this was not clear.

When I put the addon in my addons folder it deactivates all my addons.

Maybe try a recent build and use the new Line and Curve stroke methods for painting lines… GSOC paint is in trunk now.

While using the addon I noticed that “Consolidate Images” is available in every tab in any mode (in other words, tabs are not fully supported yet). I suggest to put it to Tools tab in Object mode by adding after:

class VIEW3D_PT_tools_consolidate(bpy.types.Panel):
    bl_label = "Consolidate Images"
    bl_space_type = 'VIEW_3D'
    bl_region_type = 'TOOLS'

These two lines:

    bl_category = "Tools"
    bl_context = "objectmode"

Addon 1.28a with above changes can be downloaded here.

Thanks for the fix Dragon.sh - I’ve put your change into my (pending) 1.28b version.

I’ve had a quick look at the blender code - it looks like your version has got the GSOC 2013 painting tools in it, which has added an element to the stroke structure, specifically “size”. Therefore, in to_stroke_elem, could you add an element “size” : 1 to it, and see if that fixes the error? I’m afraid I won’t be getting GSOC2013 painting until the new Release comes out <(^_^).


       elem = {"name":"", 
                "mouse":(x, y),
                "time": self.time

For what it’s worth, I suspect that when 2.72 comes out, this script will no longer be needed…

Unfortunately adding “size”:1, causes segmentation fault when trying to draw a straight line. I do not know if this is Blender bug or something else wrong in the script - I have not tried debugging yet.

Hi all,

I have a question: is it yet Crouch who fixe this add-on, please?
There are a lot of keyboard shortcuts that don’t run… I try to understand…

I’m trying to use the ‘Consolidate Images’ option in Blender 2.74 on Mac OS 10.9.5 but am getting the error: ‘val: enum “STRAIGHT” not found in (‘SKY’, ‘TRANSPARENT’)’ (there’s more to the log but I can’t seem to copy and paste, but can supply more info if necessary). I’ve also tried on Blender 2.71 as previous comments suggested but am getting the same problem. Any clues or is there another way to consolidate images in 2.74?

I’m trying to use the ‘Consolidate Images’ option in Blender 2.74 on Mac OS 10.9.5 but am getting the error: ‘val: enum “STRAIGHT” not found in (‘SKY’, ‘TRANSPARENT’)’ (there’s more to the log but I can’t seem to copy and paste, but can supply more info if necessary). I’ve also tried on Blender 2.71 as previous comments suggested but am getting the same problem. Any clues or is there another way to consolidate images in 2.74?

Just to bring some closure to this…
I have not seen all Texture Paint Plus can do, but I guess Crouch’s work on this addon may have ended up in Blender as of 2.72, as the Texture Painting release notes may suggest?

Hey guys, I’m a bit confused using consolidation and was wondering on how to use the new remapped uv coordinates. I’m now presented with 4 uv maps after pressing consolidate+remap and got the textures all messed up when exporting it outside blender (obj file)

Hello, I’ve added “bpy.context.scene.tool_settings.unified_paint_settings.size” instead of number 1 in added line “size”:1, and straight lines painting works.

 elem = {"name":"", 
                "mouse":(x, y),
                "time": self.time

To paint a straight line, press ‘E’ and choose ‘Line’ and then you can draw straight lines, or choose ‘Curve’ and ctrl-click to set the points of a 2d bezier and then press Enter/Return to stroke along the path.