Texturing a house

Ok, here is one way to do it.

  1. ‘Draw’ your roof with vertexes. It doesn’t have to be exact, but there are various ways to accomplish this first step. Simply extruding a vertex would be fine. Then, make loop cuts or knife cuts toward the outer edge, where the roof will intersect with the main body of the house. Face the whole thing, and select all.
  2. Select the two inner / lower edges of the roof, and extrude. Use the grabbing widget to pull the edges straight downward. Then either trim with the knife tool, or use the scaling widget to flatten the ‘floor’ edges.
  3. select all faces and extrude >> region.
  4. Now select just the front facing roof faces, and extrude >> region.
  5. repeat with the back.


Thanks for this illustration. This is really helpful.
Thank you so much.

But I would like to know a way how to make the first step more exact.