The Penguin

Love the fur in the penguin teddy

thank you, i have just started learning composite, your advice is of much help to me.

Awe! So cute.

My boyfriend thought this was a photogragh with a filter

Very well done. I think this is a good showcase of the necessary elements of photorealism. Not only do you have to have physically correct lighting and depth-of-field, but you also need some image reproduction flaws like noise/grain. These contribute to the “presence” of an image.

Sweet penguin and overall very realistic!

Looks very nice! I love the dynamic range in this render!

really nice, should we be scared of you :wink: 10 posts and already in the top row :slight_smile:

thank you all guys for your good advice and support:evilgrin:, i am very happy to you guys reply to lot of posts to me, thanks again!

Its so cool! :wink:

Remarquable!!! the tints are magic!!! I love the ceramic…and the delicate pale tints of the pinguin “beige-crème” and light pink…The saturation is just marvellous…and the vernished wood-table…A beautifull example of photo-realistim.

pretty impressive fabric material.

how did you do this? do you you use displacement or particle system?

would you mind sharing some insights into how you did the shader?

Did you use Andrew Price’s tutorial on towels for the fur?

Amazing work! I love the mix of soft and sharp elements in this composition, very striking. The vibrant colours are a delight as well. 5 stars from me mate :slight_smile:

For the alliance! (Y)

When I first saw this image (over at Blendernation I think), I immediately thought of Gleb Alexandrov, funny you mentioned him in your comments… :slight_smile:

Needless to say, great work!

Is the doll real, or did you concept it yourself?

something went wrong here sorry

Very nice! My kid just love it

yes,it is real:D

yes,i use displacment for the body,and you can wach Andrew Price( toturial for this.