Downloading the animation right now.

Next time you don’t have to write the topictitle in caps tho, my eyes are pretty good :slight_smile:


Looks like the download server tops out at about 2.3 megabits.

endi, have you seen Geri’s Game? Academy award winner Best Animated Short 1997. I’d have to say Pixar has a few redeeming qualities.

Geri’s Game

For a one man production however, Delivery was undoubtedly very good. Thanks for the heads up.

yeah, geri’s game
Shrek wearing an old man mask and plays this animation…
I never seen old man like Gery in real life with his conventional gestures, mimic, cliché…
All of Disney and Pixar and big studios make movies like this…


I wish I had a fast modem!!! :<

endi, while I do think this is a great short over all, I agree with the others about the old man’s animation. I’t could be better. And it deserves to be.
There’s no reason the artist can’t maintain his own style while tweaking the animation a bit.

No need to apologize, your point is perfectly understandable. The west coast has a very stylized approach sometimes. French animation also has a very stylized look and feel. Sometimes it’s good to have the variety.

I never seen old man like Gery in real life with his conventional gestures, mimic, cliché…

I’m always seeing old guys that look like that guy in delivery. The eye-patch / monocal thing is really big in America right now. So is walking like your weightless. I’m doing it right now. :wink: %|

Settles in for the 10min download :smiley: Go broadband EDIT: WOW :o

The only flaw I see with this is the stiff animation on the old man at times - gosh the visuals are just amazing. I love the style, the story, everything. It’s nitpicking a masterpiece, but the animation isn’t outstanding - just watch his hands and the jerky way that he walks.

I think you over-hyped that endi. Plus I had to wait 1 hour to get it because my connection only went up to 1MBit today.

As people have said, most of the animation was unrealistic. I’m surprised you think it’s better than the likes of the characters from the big companies. The only bit I liked was where the city gets shovelled and replaced with a flower. I tend to miss the point on things like that but I suspect there was some environmental issue going on there. Alltaken might like it.

Of course I’m talking about the visuals I liked - I don’t care much about the environment. Overall, I’m impressed that this was done in 6 months. You can tell (as he said) he didn’t use GI though, because a lot of the shadows were unrealistically dark.

I really liked this! I can’t wait to show it to my daughter as I really like it’s (basic) message. You all can pick it apart but I rate it up there with “The Hunt”!

Why all the talk of stopping?
If you see something good - why not be inspired to have a go yourself and see how much better you can become?

I can see why you were impressed endi :slight_smile: I was impressed.
The visuals were one thing, but the story was what did it for me. It had meaning, was creative, and was executed in a good way. If this was honestly a first time animation, that makes it even more remarkable.
The opening actually reminded me of @ndy’s Blender conference animation, where the plane drops the package off to Ton. I think @ndy handled that better than was done in this animation (particularly the plane descent and box shaking part).
Geri’s Game was an important little event in the history of cg due to its use of subdivision surfaces and cloth dynamic simulation. People not familiar with it can see it here straight from the source. Eventually this short lead to advances that were later applied to future Pixar animations.
We look back on it today, and in the scheme of things maybe it doesn’t seem so special, just as the classic Star Wars trilogy may seem today to some viewers, but at the time it was embarking on new territory and setting new standards, which today we take for granted :slight_smile:
It’s inspiring to see good work. Seeing this makes me anxious to continue working on my animations once the new Blender animation system is in place.
One great thing in having all this creative power with Blender is that there’s plenty of room for everyone to explore their own expressive universe, a universe virtually without limit. We can do so much, sometimes that’s an overwhelming thought.
If we stop looking at the default screen as just an empty canvas and more of an invitation to do anything, we might do just that and create something amazing :slight_smile: Each of us (especially you endi ;)) has that creative power and potential, and that’s such an exciting thought!
Can any of us make such a short? I believe so.
I think there’s nothing in this short that couldn’t have been done with Blender, which shows both far Blender has advanced and how we’ve reached a point where it’s not a question of “if” but a question of how determined we are to attempt such things.
As I watch 3D cg animations these days, I increasingly ask myself now how could that be done in Blender (or how did @ndy or basse do that :)). What seemed impossible a year or two ago now seems very straightforward and doable if the time and dedication are there.
Exodus will be amazing, that much is certain, judging from the early visuals and models. I hope it will inspire blenderheads to attempt bigger projects.
Likewise, by myself I hope to make more of my own animations of comparable quality in the very near future.
It’s a lot of work, but as basse once said to me, it is amazing to see your creations come alive :slight_smile:


I liked it, but the whole pumping-my-hopes-up with the bestest-short-ev4hhh thing ruined it for me. Yes, cool story, but not much else for me. (Then again, back in the day I was the only kid who didn’t leave the cinema crying after lion king)

Yeah endi, I know what you mean by cliché…
The perfect “cliché-movie” for me was Finding Nemo. It was as if it was written by some “generate a story for kids, with some references for adults” program, at the push of a button. It just took typical characters, mixed up a story, added all the ususal little jokes, etc., and then generated the script and the storyboard…
OTOH, what I found to be a very creative, well-executed movie was The Incredibles. Yes it was overhyped. That doesn’t subtract anything from it though, and it did earn that Oscar.

About this animation: I still haven’t been able to download it, I’m using a modem at home :frowning: Hopefully I’ll get it from the university net tomorrow, and then I’ll comment on it.


I think that the discussion about what makes great animation a very though one… but I’ve got to say that Pixar nailed it right on the head. Sure you can use motion capture these days, but that doesn’t work that well now does it? I mean look at Final Fantasy. It looks crap because great theater means exagerating movements to convey emotions. What do you think is more interresting to watch? A heated quarel between lovers or a discussion between to biologist about ant economics?
The final fantasy movement were all dull. It’s almost unmotivated. In the Matrix: the final flight of the Osiris there was a couple of seconds where the chick was walking stalkingly in the simulation.
Now just examine how Pixar does his stuff: Toy Story, how the character moves tell everything about his mood and personality. In particular in Toy Story 2, when Woody was playing Sherrif Woody with Jessy. Man, that is one fine piece of animation. It’s an orgy of motivated and gracious motion. Of course the story are all cliché. It is the execution that does the trick.
A bug’s life is TOTALY TOTALY cliché. It is the re-telling of the Seven Samurais. But the execution is sweeeeeet. Everybody knows that the bad guy will bite the dust at the end. But you go to the movie to watch it anyway, because the storytelling is presented to you in such a way that you identify with the characters or find yourself immersed in the whole experience. And that is what filmmakers try desperately to do to win their audiences. Gladiator: briliant movie with a cliché story. And so is most of them. It’s all about entertainement. It’s all about the visuals. Cliché books, now that is a bad thing.
I think Endi should read “acting for animators” by Ed Hooks. It is a real eye opener.

Actually, for me, Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within was one of those O.M.G. kind of pictures. :wink: Have the DVD right here. Aki Ross in a swimsuit is so totally hot.

What is O.M.G.?

I admit that still pictures of Final Fantasy looks superb. The mechanical animation is one of the best. But the human animation sucks!
No humor, no interesting dialogue no nothing. Just a series of beautifuly render images showed in sequence. I haven’t seen Polar Express yet, but from the trailers I’ve seen it suck worse than Final Fantasy. O… sorry, it’s not my intention to start a flame war here. If you like Final Fantasy for whaterver reasons, I most definitely respect that. 8)
But in the realism and animation department, it will be hard to top Matrix reloaded and Matrix revolutions.

O.M.G. Oh My God. (Speaking of flames, not to start anything hear simply talking out loud.) That is to say, a place to worship. :o It so did not suck. Up to here with all the drama. :smiley:

By the way (and I’me not flaming here), I don’t think that Dilevery is the best short film ever like Endi stated. It is the best one man crew I personally ever seen, I grant him that. But to say it is the best ever?? There is a lot of things that could have been done better, but I will not name them because for a one man crew film, it is A+. About the story. It is not as original as you think. It reminds me a lot of the Boxed Universe episode of Futurama. In fact IT almost is the Boxed Universe episode. But the Futurama version goes one step further by adding more boxes with alternate universes and at the end is totaly wicked. It is like the time paradox thing, but this one is the space paradox. There is one or two short stories I’m dying to produce one day. It is NOT my idea, but taken from Horror (DC comics I think). They have a lot of original stories reminescent of The Twiligt Zone and Outer Limits.