The Silent Hills

Silent Hill Town

I just got better at texturing!

I improved the textures. I’m working on the abandoned house now where the characters decided to stay for the night. I tried to do the paint peeling effect using Gimp but I realized that it will be more realistic and challenging if I actually model it.

I used models ripped from games as this is only a non-commercial film to show-off to my colleagues this coming November.

Still finding out how to simulate god rays.

Are you still working on this? A way to improve some of the textures would be to reduce bump map strength.
The trees are pretty good though.

Yes. I am just buy modelling the other 2 characters for this scene.

Ah. was that what I saw in the PM?
It looks the same style.

Yup, that robot looking guy :D.

how did you add details like that moss on the bottom of the bulding in your first pictur eon the right corner?

I used hair particle system. The same method used on making the moss effect on that mossy rock in the feature row above.

The project is on hold. I will continue it once I achieve that moving mist effect.

The project continues.

I decided to focus on completing the haunted manor scene of the intro level.

This would be like Amnesia meets Dead Space.