Ubuntu 12.04

After the above it says:

CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but they are set to NOTFOUND.
Please set them or make sure they are set and tested correctly in the CMake files:

But what? If I installed it in step 1) (libtiff4-dev). So I go to synaptic to see and certainly it is not installed. So I mark it to install and a window says:

To be removed:
To be installed:

Well, here is our old known “libjpeg-turbo8-dev”. Remember how it is incompatible with libjpeg62-dev. That is why if I want install tiff I would not be able to load jpegs.
Absolutely great the DLL Hell in Linux.

The problem is this: in your system the actual problem is probably that libjpeg62-dev installs some library that is named this way:
libjpeg.so (and it is probably a link to the real file that is something like “libjpeg6.2.4.3.so”)
And then it is incompatible with having libjpeg-turbo8-dev because that uses probably a library with the same name “libjpeg.so” (and it is probably a link to the real library “libjpeg-turbo8.so”.
So the solution is that Ubuntu prohibites the use of “common and simple names” for the libraries. That way I could have in my system both libraries but just now it can’t be. And that is stupid.

Well, the solution then is Sergey creating a /lib/linux64/jpeg62 folder and placing there the libraries needed and make them compile statically (inside the blender executable). So I can now to continue without tiff or just stop and wait for blender solution. And I think is not only this tiff thing but others too because I remember it stoping when compiling elbeem and also issues with python.

A lot of things to fix for me to go to ubuntu 12.04. I go back now to 11.10 and compile and enjoy last blender.

I don’t quite understand why libjpeg62-dev is necessary. Is it required to build or run Gimp?

I have libtiff4-dev and libjpeg-dev and I can load jpg and tiff in Blender.

Good point. Perhaps that library is not necessary anymore. I load it in the system (step 2) because with only the libraries of step 1 blender didn’t compiled in ubuntu 11.04. So asking other people I think it was Demohero that posted a bunch of other libraries needed to compile blender. And so I didn’t tried if all of them Demohero posted were really used.

So I am so curious about that I will make a backup of the system as I have it just now and try what happens if I don’t install the jpeg62 (that creates the conflict) and post here later. (By the way I today added the tiff library to the /lib/linux64 folder and compiled successfully in 12.04. Everything is working fine. Tiff, jpg, hdr, exr, whatever I can load and render fine. But now I am intrigued and will test if that jpeg62 is really necessary or not in blender.

Hey organic, I tested it:
I recovered a ubuntu “fresh install” from a backup. Then installed all except libjpeg62-dev and blender compiled perfectly but when rendering with cycles this happens:

The head in the viewport shows the jpg texture but the cycles render not!. The explanation for me is: Cycles loads the textures calling the library openimageio and it needs libjpeg62-dev to do his work. But in the viewport other method of loading the textures is used (probably using the libjpeg.so library or some other way). (Of course this means that the textures are already in memory but Cycles loads them again to memory (in CPU rendering) or to GPU memory (in case of GPU rendering). In the last case no problem, but in the first case that is a waste of RAM, with a scene with heavy load of textures for example. But perhaps I am wrong and it is not occupying RAM but GPU (viewport) memory so in that case the problem is much more because GPU memory is much shorter than CPU memory.

Well, so I installed libjpeg62-dev and then ubuntu says that if I want to install libjpeg62-dev it will remove this:


And this of course is not good because blender needs libtiff4-dev to compile.
So what I did was to add this library manually to the /lib/linux64 folder where Sergey has placed ffmpeg, oiio (openimageio) and boost. I have there now a fourth folder named “tiff”.
Then I modified the cmake order (post 20, step 6) to indicate where it must to look for it now. The cmake of step 6 is now:

cmake …/blender -DWITH_IMAGE_TIFF=ON -DTIFF_INCLUDE_DIR=…/lib/linux64/tiff/include -DTIFF_LIBRARY=…/lib/linux64/tiff/lib/libtiff.a -DWITH_CYCLES=ON -DWITH_CYCLES_CUDA_BINARIES=ON -DCUDA_BUILD_CUBIN=ON -DCUDA_BUILD_EMULATION=OFF -DCYCLES_CUDA_BINARIES_ARCH=“sm_10;sm_11;sm_12;sm_13;sm_20;sm_21” -DOPENIMAGEIO_INCLUDE_DIR=…/lib/linux64/oiio/include -DOPENIMAGEIO_LIBRARY=…/lib/linux64/oiio/lib/libOpenImageIO.a -DBoost_INCLUDE_DIR=…/lib/linux64/boost/include -DBoost_LIBRARY_DIRS=…/lib/linux64/boost/lib -DWITH_FFTW3=ON -DWITH_CODEC_SNDFILE=ON -DWITH_CODEC_FFMPEG=ON -DFFMPEG=…/lib/linux64/ffmpeg -DFFMPEG_LIBRARIES=“avformat;avcodec;avutil;avdevice;swscale;orc-0.4;dirac_encoder;mp3lame;schroedinger-1.0;theora;vpx;x264;xvidcore;faad;ogg;vorbis;vorbisenc”
Also, I had problems with the PYTHON_INSTALL ON (that copies the python to the /2.63/python/ folder). The problem is that something in ubuntu has changed (perhaps nautilus, perhaps the compressor “file-roller”?) and it crashes when copying the python folder because it has “symlinks” (direct access I think it is called in windows?) where a file is just a link to another file).
So I changed that variable to OFF and now I compile perfectly blender at last.

I am completely curious how they will fix this when people be forced to migrate to 12.04. For me the solution would be contact to openimageio developpers and tell them to use libjpeg8-dev instead of libjpeg6-dev that is incompatible with libtiff4-dev (because the “dll hell” where there are files with same name, and I ranted sufficiently that is a situtation that Linus Torvalds or someone in Ubuntu must not permit, and we would not have “dll hell” anymore!!!. But I suppose the oiio developpers themselves will be aware of this and when the oiio library is updated I will try again to see if there is no more dll hell.

Well, now to install again gimp from the external repository indicated in post 11. I hope it doesn’t need libtiff4-dev or I will be fuck*d (it can have that library linked statically (inside the code) or call it externally (dynamic loading)). If it does it dynamically I would need to indicate to gimp a place to find the library.

Yeah! I have gimp2.8 working.
I modified the order in post 11 to install gimp help and some other “data” (brushes and patterns and so I suppose)

Now time to install my dear QtCreator and QtSDK

That’s great that you have it working, though I’m still uncertain.

I tested as well, and Cycles here will render both tiff and jpg textures without libjpeg62-dev.

I guess its not a big deal though, I don’t cycles a lot as I have V-Ray and Yafaray, and it could be there is some Cycles limitation I didn’t find yet.

As the saying goes; ‘Whatever works…’


I understand you are compiling yourself and using ubuntu 12.04. Because if you are using a graphicall build or are in another version of ubuntu you don’t have any problem of course. My builds done in 11.10 run perfectly in 12.04 as I said. But what was difficult was to compile in 12.04 and run it without any problems.

And just today I compiled and it crashes when rendering in cycles. I am trying now to detect what commit is the one causing this…

Yes, I found it. In commit 46448 Sergey updates the boost library, so I updated it too and then Cycles is not rendering, it crashes blender.
So just brought back the /boost library and it works again flawlessly.

And the bad thing is:
I was around five hours trying things to “fix the break ubuntu” I have (it lacks libtiff4-dev and the other three libraries as explained). And I got this crash and I thought it was because all I tried was not working. And I was absolutely mad because I couldn’t find any relation of my changes with the crashes.

Yes. Self compiled on Ubuntu 12.04.

But remember you are compiling without Cycles. If you compile with Cycles you will have all the problems I said.

No, that is now with Cycles.

Maybe it depends on where you get the jpeg, or whether it is rendered on GPU or CPU ? I only use CPU as I have an 8800 GS (384 MB)

I tried again a different approach. The problem is that libjpeg62-dev and libtiff4-dev can’t be in the system together. With default ubuntu installation comes libtiff4-dev so what I did installing libjpeg62-dev was “breaking the default ubuntu”.
Today I restored libtiff4-dev and the other three libraries so my ubuntu is now “official”. And then I added the libjpeg62-dev to the blender /lib/linux64 libraries, and of course modified the cmake order to point to this placement for the libjpeg libraries.

And all is working great. I am now 100% time in ubuntu12.04 and probably will delete 11.10 in a month or so. All the apps are working fine. Also rendering is the same rendertimes than in 11.10.

I think I will try to compile gimp2.9 this weekend. I just want to see all these new wonders they are coding.

Excuse me friends…
I am new to Ubuntu
I downloaded the latest Ubuntu version and installed in my PC. I also downloaded blender for Linux from blender.org site.
.How can I install Blender in my Ubuntu PC. I tried different tutorials but those do not work. I think they are installing those software directly from internet. I have no net connection in my Ubuntu PC. is there anyway to install from that downloaded package… Hope someone will answer me. :slight_smile:

Same thing for me here, except my 3D doesn’t work at wall with Cycles image textures, and of course rendering don’t either.

I hope someone will provide some support for getting this in static libs.

Edit: I’ve filled a bug report for this

You don’t have to install Blender. Just extract the archive and run the ‘blender’-binary. If nothing happens, start the terminal, type “cd your/path/to/blender” and “./blender”. This will show you what the error is.

@ EBrain: Did you check if you unwraped your objects? I haven’t installed libjpeg62-dev and everything works

Download the libjpeg62 library and place it in the same place where boost and oiio and ffmpeg are: /lib/linux64
so you have now /lib/linux64/libjpeg62

Modify now your cmake order to include the callings to this library:
-DJPEG_INCLUDE_DIR=…/lib/linux64/libjpeg62/include -DJPEG_LIBRARY=…/lib/linux64/libjpeg62/lib/libjpeg.so.62.0.0

For example my cmake order is:
cmake …/blender -DWITH_PYTHON_INSTALL=OFF -DJPEG_INCLUDE_DIR=…/lib/linux64/libjpeg62/include -DJPEG_LIBRARY=…/lib/linux64/libjpeg62/lib/libjpeg.so.62.0.0 -DWITH_CYCLES=ON -DWITH_CYCLES_CUDA_BINARIES=ON -DCUDA_BUILD_CUBIN=ON -DCUDA_BUILD_EMULATION=OFF -DCYCLES_CUDA_BINARIES_ARCH=“sm_21” -DOPENIMAGEIO_INCLUDE_DIR=…/lib/linux64/oiio/include -DOPENIMAGEIO_LIBRARY=…/lib/linux64/oiio/lib/libOpenImageIO.a -DBoost_INCLUDE_DIR=…/lib/linux64/boost/include -DBoost_LIBRARY_DIRS=…/lib/linux64/boost/lib -DWITH_FFTW3=ON -DWITH_CODEC_SNDFILE=ON -DWITH_CODEC_FFMPEG=ON -DFFMPEG=…/lib/linux64/ffmpeg -DFFMPEG_LIBRARIES=“avformat;avcodec;avutil;avdevice;swscale;orc-0.4;dirac_encoder;mp3lame;schroedinger-1.0;theora;vpx;x264;xvidcore;faad;ogg;vorbis;vorbisenc”

I was having problems with the Alt key (for selecting an Edge Loop or moving the backdrop image in the compositor). The solution is:

In gconf-editor go to apps/metacity/general
and change the “mouse_button_modifier” from <Alt> to <Super>
that avoids the conflicts with the Alt key in Blender.

Then remember if you uses Alt + left mouse to move a window, now it is Super + left mouse.

Edit: gconf-editor must be installed. It doesn’t come installed by default in ubuntu. Go to the Software Center and search for “gconf-edito”. After installation it appears with the name “Configuration Editor” but also shows if you search for “gconf-editor”.

Today I started ubuntu and it greeted me with a message to move the name of my folders to chinese!
So of course I killed the dialog to avoid that and was to the Menu to open the language program to see what happened.
The menu was in chinese but fortunately the System Settings was yet there with its name in english (I am spanish but I use english in my computer, it is much easier when you post some capture for other people to understand for example).
So I opened the language program (looking to the icon because it was in chinese) and here to the left is the language program open.
During the installation of ubuntu I selected english as the language to install, but also chinese was installed (I don’t understand why but didn’t bother at the moment) and it was now (pink arrow) the first entry in that list. That is why all was in chinese, the first entry in the list is the language used.

But how can I change the language? You see after the pink arrow I had English installed. But I clicked on it and nothing happened. Only after I solved this I realized what the green arrow message was telling. It said in perfect chinese that “you can drag the items on the list and the one you place as first entry is the language you are using” (I could know that AFTER resolving the chinese nightmare when I at last had again all in English).

Well, then here I am with my Chinese ubuntu. Looking to the Language window in chinese with chinese messages and chinese buttons. So I start clicking all the buttons to see what happens mostly :stuck_out_tongue:
Pressing the blue circle button: Nothing happened (I understand now why)
Pressing the red circle button: Whoaaaah! Great the window to the right opens and it shows all the languages you can install in Ubuntu.

YES, ALL OF THEM IN CHINESE! Give me a f*g break!

I had an idea: What will happen if I uninstall all the languages? So I unchecked all the entries rebooted and: Chinese.

Give me another break. One would expect without languages it would default to English but no, chinese yet in the list of languages.

BUT at least the language window was now in English. So I read it and the green arrow was pointing actually to the already said of how to make a language go to first position (dragging it in the list).

So I am now with only chinese in the computer and I started to install languages (without knowing which ones obviously because the names are in chinese).
I installed like 12 languages and all were with funny characters nobody in this Earth understand. Probably there are people using them like Michalis or Sergey or even FarmField, but the rest of us mortals don’t understand those characters. I installed so several russian dialects, some indian, give me a break also swahili (true I am not lying, swahili was installed too!). Then some exotic names like creole, gaeilge or something like that… AND SVENSKA (SWEDISH):


So I dragged the Svenska to be first in the list, rebooted the computer and then could have at last the list in swedish.
Looked for the languages and installed Engelska of course.


And I am not posting this in ubuntuforums because if I post like I felt I will be banned there of course.
This situation is ridiculous. You can’t have a computer or device going this way and no easy way to solve.
And the easy way is obvious: make always a button in the language windows that shows the content in english for the list of names of the languages to install. And even better the buttons and messages there too!

And want to thank here to the whole SVENSKA country. Keep your language, it solves problems! :stuck_out_tongue:


About my previous problems with the libjpeg version and building Blender, I found that simply rebuild OIIO works. It was sort of linked to the old version, and now it all works without any tricks.

For information, you said something about the Alt key default calling in Ubuntu, the trick is to simply add the Shift key to the combo, and you’ll se it works that way. So if you change your computer or whatever, you’ll know that changing the shortcuts is not really needed.

Have fun :).