Vanitas Still Life

Thanks guys!


Eye or no eye, that is the question.

Eye. :slight_smile: xD If you put this up on the finished projects forum, it will most likely get on to the feature row! :smiley:

very nice
how you create the cobweb ?

He looks terrified

Clap Clap. a very good scene, i like it a lot. the comb web the candle and the new skull are very very good. you have a very fine technique i like it. But. the nose area inside its darker, i have an skull in my house (my father is a doctor so…) and for that reason i tell. here a picture i found in the internet tomorrow i can take pictures from my own.


Thank you guys for the comments, I wouldn’t have worked further on this project else (because I’ve kinda forgotten about it :smiley: )
The skull is supposed to look terrified.
About the cobweb: I forgot how I made it… now I’m curious too :smiley:
The skull needs much more work, no doubt, but I’m just too lazy right now to make changes on it.
On top of that the feather seems to be levitating, don’t know how to fix that.

Loving the eyes! :smiley:
Brings nice character to the scene. Some what mysterious and calm atmosphere works very well.

Your scene doesn’t looks terrified. Looks in calm, in peace, and these eyes even give it an innocent look. like a good spirit is inside of the skull, looking time goes away. If you want to get a terrified look, you have to transform your skull in the skull i post it. No eyes, no complete teeth, put the 6 holes to looks more realistic, and a murder weapon inside the head.

I like it, what I make of this scene is a poor skull terrified of spiders and incapable to move, and it knows it’s just a matter of time and the spider will crawl all over him, so how does this skull escape the inevitable? Make a short of this, it will be epic!

That’s not what I intended to say. What I wanted to say is that the skull with its eyes is supposed to look terrified of the spider, not terrifying.
You nailed it when you wrote, that the skull looks innocent, that’s the point. A symbol of death becoming less scary and scared in face of a small spider.

And I like your reference picture of a skull very much! Made me realize that my skull doesn’t have any characteristic forms at all.

Ha, that’s a great idea! Unfortunately the rendertimes are not really suited for an animation… also I’m getting freaked out by just thinking about all the work that would have to be done to make anything in the scene suited for animation :eek:

hahahaha. Sorry, my mistake, my english is not perfect and is even worst with this flu inside of me. forgot what im said about transform your scene, is perfect like this. only to do it more realistic add the holes in the face and the mandible. and thats it.

Added some firesparks and made slight adjustments to the light and the teeth material. Also made some changes on the skull. Hopefully it looks better now. I think I’m gonna call this finished.