Water house

Nicely done. The glass around the house seems subtly ominous.

Nice image! What kind of job do you have?

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Thank you all for the comments, I am very happy) unfortunately it is only my hobby, I had just graduated high school. Would very much like to work in the field of CG.

This is perfect!
The idea and the work You’ve done are just incredible!

I’m in love. What beauty.

beautiful work!

These are amazing.

its amazing :slight_smile:

wow. Very beautiful image!

Fantastic work man! Congratulations on making it to the top row!

5 stars from me :slight_smile:

It’s beautiful in concept and execution. Great job.

A mazing. Is it possible to get rid of the speckles using the clamp indirect light and turning on the caustics?

I’m glad you all like my work :slight_smile: thanks for the kind words, unfortunately not all questions can be answered, since not know very well English

Very nice, however my one critique is that the daylight images feel almost too “busy.” Nothing feels really pronounced as the subject of the bottle kind of blends into the background. Still very well done, and a beautiful image!

The night time image fixes that problem though, and the tone of it is perfect!

wow! so beautiful. i can’t believe it.
Samsung Galaxy S6 edge plus cover
Samsung Galaxy S6 case

Great work …