Water in Blender, Wine in Yafray (fluid warning!)

It looks awesome but one thing bugs me… It’s either too thin or it pours out too fast - I can’t really put my finger on it. Maybe increase the volume of the liquid? I dunno.

The whole thing seems to be moving too fast, but that doesnt change the fact that its amazing.

—Ooopss!!! Is there any version for Linux? (just asking)

inktvlek, i’ve got some probs i think you can help me with.

i’m still getting some major glitches and bugs in my fluid sims.

when i try to have the water falling into a concave surface (bowl, etc) it all stays on the top of the mesh, as if there’s an invisible lid on top of it.

I d/led your blend, and i rebaked it, getting no problems. i then tried building my own container in your blend file and re-baked.

still the same problem. did you encounter this? if so, how did you fix this? am i doing something wrong?

I haven’t played with the fluid simulator–can it handle moving containers? I think that the animation would work much better with the bottle tipping to pour out the liquid…

i’m new :expressionless:
someone can explain me what are thicker dummies used to bake fluid into bottle?..please…
I’ve tryed to do the same, but my fluid fall down through the bottle glass and not pass from bottle neck…

inktvlek, i’ve download your .blend file…WONDERFUL!!! how fluid can recognize bottle and glass if they are not obstacles…???
