Why does knife project not cut properly if target mesh is not subdivided?

can yu make a bug report
and see what happen
who knows it looks like a bug


Sanctuary: tested your file and flipping big circle face normal it works.

Yes, i tested it after reading your previous comment, it seems the normal direction has a big influence on the result, not sure if it’s intended or a bug.
I’ll report it just in case

i did test your circle of circles and it does not work too!

strange it does not like circles !


Now, I just tried the exact same operation using RickyBlender’s file & same 6 circles as the knife, on a circle with Ngon fill and it cut perfectly this time:

Thanks guys for helping me figure out that there is indeed a bug! That’s a lot of help!

However, Sanctuary, will you tell us how exactly you phrased the bug report? I’m just wondering if there are multiple bugs here, but then again, I guess the dev’s will figure it out over time?


Edit : i guess no bug report, i reloaded my blend and now inverting the big circle normal lead into the same buggy result.
I really wonder what’s going on, a minute ago i reproduce it, reloading the same blend and i can’t.

Edit 2 : ok i’ll use then the blend with the comparison between aligned and circular pattern only as i can’t reproduce anymore the “i invert the normal and it works”, that’s really silly how can something work and a couple of minutes later in the same exact blend and condition it does not work anymore.

Its funny indeed, filling all little circles to faces it works.

Made the bug report, i gave a link to this thread if the devs need more informations

just redid a circle of circles with spin
and it does not work too!

very strange indeed!


Thanks Sanctuary for filing the bug report! Thanks everybody else too!

There’s a duplicate circle that if deleted things will go just fine :slight_smile:

select a single edge, click L (select linked) then X (remove it) and it the projection should work fine :slight_smile:

attached a pic showing the duplicated circle while scaled

As there’s a duplicated circle (the one that cuts), the operator doesn’t behave well except for it

Removing the duplicate fixes that!

Oops, thanks for pointing that, i completely forgot that doing a 360 spin duplicate (how i made the circular pattern) will always lead into the 1st circle being doubled and needing a W-Remove double.

beginner mistake are still possible after all that time using the program :smiley:

ok also forgot the 360 spin makes double

but it does not explain why knife tool was able to take bottom layer of verts and work !

in any case the new knife tool works very well
I used it a lot in last 2 weeks and it is the best I’v seen up to now including working on Ngons

note: it should at least give a warning for doubles!

happy bl

Heh heh, thank you Showman !

Thanks Walid!

you’re all wrong guys !!! knife always work in all cases ! and there’s no bug at all.


ok, i’m not a good troll and it’s not time for this :stuck_out_tongue: Im’ just not convincingly repeating what some ppl ( whom i believe never tried to use knife ) said some time ago. For my own part i stopped using the knife for cuts with more than 1 edge. Instead i use subdivide ( crappy solution for crappy tools )

This problem you raised on the knife tool looks very interresting to me. I suspect the project knife projects edges on a mesh and use them as something like an entry to the basic knife. mebe am wrong but this could just simply explain why project knife don’t work: simple knife just don’t work too.

I’ve been amazed thinking new project knife tool was implemented when simple knife didn’t work :smiley:
i was really bored trying to exmplain why and how knife was bugged. Just a simple test on a random mesh can prove it quickly.
The point is that the devs just didn’t test their funcs on more than a tri or a cube.
This means that now when it don’t work, it’s because of the mesh :smiley:
When serious work will be started about this subject i’ll be in. But this need serious programmers who understant the meaning of the word ‘test’.

note: am still on 2.66 as all implemented since then is useless to me. i’d just need a working knife.

HINT: use the 2.49 knife code :slight_smile: if it cannot be ported to 2.7+, it could at least be used as a programmer tut :stuck_out_tongue:


The 2.66 knife was very buggy, i remember how many bug reports i and other people have sent to the devs, it’s only rather recently that the majority of those reported knife bugs have been fixed.
So even if most new tools are useless to you, you should upgrade to latest version, the knife is working much , much better than it was in 2.66

Blender Bugfixes list since October 8, 2013, start of 2.70:
I’d suggest briefly taking a look.

And this is just for 2.7. I can only guesstimate how much that would be if started from 2.66.

You’re missing a lot, pitibonom. Thanks to devs.