your wishlist for paint tools

This is an area that interests me a lot. The things I’d like to see improvements to are:

  • Performance Improvements while painting, theres nothing worse as an artist having strokes lag, it really kills the workflow. The MyPaint brush engine is EXTREMELY fast compared to traditional bitmap based brushes, this would be interesting and I can see my self using it.

  • Workflow improvement. A quick way to add in layers and basic blending modes (Add, Multiply) This is something else MyPaint offers, could this be integrated along with the Brush engine? It would certainly offer up a tested solution.

  • Masking. Sculptris style paint masking would be nice, while basic, it does work very well.

Those are the 3 main points I’d personally like to see improved. The MyPaint brush engine is a fantastic idea and could be possible, It would offer a brilliant painting solution unlike anything available in commercial 3d painting applications. This would offer a brilliant way of creating hand painted textures along the lines of World of Warcraft, Bruises on skin with the cloud style brushes, dirt, scrapes the list of possibilities would only be limited be the artists using it!


zeauro, I should have used probably used better words do describe what I meant, because different apps use them for describing different things.
*about brush alpha - I meant something like in zbrush, so when I open black&white image with dots, and select red brush I expect it to give me red dots brush. Right now it gives me just black&white texture.

  • about ‘projection from view’, I mean, that when I have that red dot brush, I want each brush stamp to be projected from current brush position to surface normal (something like brush was glued to surface like in sculptris). Not like now, where it is projected form view onto surface. Disabling ‘project paint’ option just start to use image mapping with repeat, but It doesn’t give me control over where I want my red dots :).

Try a recent build.
Fixed texture option was restored.
But I agree with the need to overlay brush with texture and to have same stroke methods as in sculpt mode.

A red brush with a black&white dots texture give red dots.
If calculate option in Image Sampling panel of Texture Properties is enabled, black of image is transparent.
Are you talking about replacing brush icon by a preview ?

I’d love to be able to “lasso select” portions of a texture and move rotate and scale that around in teh 3d view and then flatten it down…

Like in photoshop or gimp, only in 3d…

I saw that Mari had something like this, but a little more esoteric…

The stamp/stencil workflow has already been mentioned a lot, I’m sure it could be made easier…

Whilst I agree that the mypaint brush engine is cool, (I use it for almost all my concept work these days) it really shouldn’t ever totally replace bitmap brushes…
using textures for brushes is a fundamental requirement for producing finished work, especially when trying to create realistic textured surfaces which is of primary concern for any 3d paint package

Is this not it?

I am interested mostly in integration of what Nicholas Bishop did last year. (ptex, overlay image projection)
I don’t want to see another great work being trashed away.

Sleeper, interesting that does appear to be it though haven’t read the whole thing.

in addition to what has been said, I suggest:
-to paint on the image which is selected in the properties editor (this feature, simple but useful, is in the last year GSOC branch,I believe, but has not been merged)
-sculpt and texture paint should progress together, if possible (currently there are some options in sculpt that are not in texture paint, for exemple)
-a browser for the brushes like in my paint, sculptris or gimp, with little squares directly accessible in the tool shelf
-an option to save images automatically with the blend file

Same here. Gave it a quick scan but wasn’t sure enough to claim it as the full spec.

here is my wish list for paint texture

1 - automatically save any file in UV editor when closing
so you never loose info added with paint texture GLSL or any other features
2 - Possible to paint with the new effect micro displacment from render branch
even if possible to do it with nodes

3 - Get the Ultimate clay and planet texture as soon as possible
4 - anyway to get a countour algo and be able to use the inside/outside as a mask in viewport
and use it as a new Image texture in UV editor and assign a texture to it
when using GLSL or other features for paint
5 - be able to draw vert horz lines or between 2 points
requested many times on forum
6 - what about this old project called i think light painting ?
7 - brushes with some gradient to help make bump map
with different shape rectangle - spherical cone ect in blender not in external programs
8- i look at GLSL paint texture - great tool but
i wish there was an easier/ faster way to set up and use it
same thing with paint projection

overall make it easier and faster to use - more user friendly!

Wow I didn’t know I supposed to do that. This should be on by default.

For those who never heard about it :

I hate to post one liners without having a lot of pre-thought(I think it wastes space…oh well) but I would not be against some type of “heal” brush.

Zeauro i had lost track of these projects
anybody knows if these projects have been simply drop or
any chance of getting back again in 2.5 ?

one thing i’d love to have would be where you could paint while you sculpt, so you could change the geometry and paint it in a single brush stroke. This would be a huge time saver imo

when it’s suggested integrating the “mypaint” brush engine does that include the ability to use .gbr brushes, and .abr brushes.

I think that would be extremely useful since it’s so easy to find brushes in these formats.

Oh and +1 for layers, blending modes, and some type of dynamics/jitter.

Just having the ‘stroke’ settings from sculpt mode available for the texturing brushes would be enough to take the texturing tools to another level.

Smooth stroke, multiple stroke methods etcetera

Those options coupled with the texturing capabilities from sculpt mode, the options to either have the texture projection fixed, or Tiled, to determine the angle (random, rake, user etcetera), and also the ability to use an overlay.

Those features really, REALLY should be in the texturing tool set, until that is done it’s not really worth adding bells and whistles because those things really are essential for a powerful, and flexible (very important) texturing mode.

i think the format TIFF supports everything from photoshop.

i think a faster and easier bridge between gimp and photoshop. yes we select the image editor and push two buttons in blender. but i think it needs to be faster.
we need to be able to jump to photoshop. because there you have powerfull tools.

light paint seems to be stopped since july 2009.

I found no information about it after.

This project is older than 2.49b.
It probably need a lot of work to be compatible with an after 2.57 release.