3D maze generator for b2.45

3D maze generator for b2.45

official page :


dude, that looks insanely difficult. If we get out, do we get the maiden?

WOW!!! this looks great! Thank you :slight_smile:

You are right : there is no door.

Two doors have been added. Now i have to write a solver …

You could use this script to generate mazes for the BGE. Have multistory mazes with ramps and varied hallway widths and rooms with simple details.

Generate your maze, create your character and fire up the BGE.

Exactly that !! Thanks !

Goot work !!

I am working on a better uv coordinates unwrapper. The “smart projection” is not good enough for an AO baking …

that looks great

well done!

v0.3 :
The script itself has been updated with correct normal orientation and the demo file has now a smaller uv texture with a better uv unwrapping.

What would make this extra sweet is if it could plug in pre-made tunnel sections.

Also, if there was a way to generate geometry so it wasn’t always rectangular. Maybe squash it into a fractal pattern . . .

Next step, perhaps …

… could be nested in the pre-made tunnel sections.

This video is not available .

The new url:

Nice work again !
It seems that the movie shows a travel in the blender game engine itself.
How did you make this ?

Just a real time capture with camstudio.

This looks super complicated for someone who has no python scripting
experience…such as myself.:spin: It looks awesome though.

this is very awesome do you plan on going further with it?

i agree with above posters that more variation is good… what about creationbased on metaballs for things like cave systems?

No doubt that the script needs a good UI for users with no python skill and some automatic functions to create lights for instance but for the moment i’m on serious upgrade of the UI of my Hotkeys script.