Name of animation/animatic tecnic... Quiz question (kind of...)

Hi everyone! This actually is not “Blender related” but has something do be with animation i guess. Someone please move this post if it is at the wrong place.

I would like to know the name of this animation tecnic (Youtube link):

It’s not really an animation at all… Looks like an animatic nowadays ;?. But this tecnic has a name it is just that… i CAN’T remember… Some days ago someone just said the name inside a television show, and now i CAN’T remember arrrrrrgh i hate this :mad:!

:eyebrowlift: Lol

Ok now listen:

I offer ONE MILLION dollars for the right answer. No wait…I changed my mind: ONE BILLION dollars!

Thank you very much.

How about Collage or Gilliam style animation.

Limited Animation

Cut-out animation.