Skinning using weight painting


I’ve got a problem with weight painting.
I just started with the mancandy tutorial DVD, and am trying to weightpaint a finger of mancandy.
The vertex maps are automaticaly created when the bones are, now I’ve learned that you have to be in pose mode for the bones, and in weightpaint mode for the mesh, in order to be able to weight paint, this is only possible by going through object mode.

But then still it doesn’t work, I can select an individual bone, and I can see the influence of the bones that have been painted, but I am not able to edit them.

How do I learn how to weight paint in an already excisting model?
Does anybody have the solution to this problem (regarding Mancandy)?

Thnx Lex

Hi Lex, and welcome to your own creative challenge. ManCandy is already weight painted otherwise he would not work. Right click on bones , or shift left click for bone choice to see the effect of weight paint. Have fun here :wink:

well, I’m not really sure exactly what you’re dealing with, but to weight paint, first make sure your mesh has the armature modifier on it and the proper armature selected, then be in Pose Mode select ALL the bones (A once or twice to select all bones) the Shift-rclick on the mesh object (both the mesh and the armature should be selected). Next hit CTRL-Tab. This should put you in Weight Panting Mode and will allow you to select (and pose) bones to paint the applicable weights on the mesh.

Thnx for your replies, but the problem remains.

Mancandy is skinned and rigged, but on the tutorial DVD there are files where mancandy isn’t fully rigged, it’s used to teach you how to do that.
@Soter, I’ve tried what you said, selected all bones than Rclick select the mesh, than CTRL-TAB doesn’t work and the only option with the 3d menu is object mode, I cannot get into weight paint mode.

Can you help me with this problem?

thnx lex

It does work, I get into paint mode, only I cannot paint, I’ve tried to substract some influence from an excisting bone, but it doesn’t work.

Any ideas?

thnx Lex

Have you shift selected mesh AND Armature?

Yes, and now I can select one bone in weightpaint mode, and can see the influence of that bone, but I cannot edit it, add or substract.

Strange… What happens if you dupplicate that file on the disk and open the copy? Still that phenomenon?
And if you create a new file with just a 3 bones Armature and a simple cylinder to modify with, does it work?
Just to know (i have a similar issue with cloth interaction - works on one file… not on the other…).
Hope you’ll get it soon.

If I open a new file with a few simple bones, then it does work.
Just doesn’t work in that file.

I don’t know if you can lock weights or something,

nasty problem

Hi lex222, glad to see you’re solving some of your issues. Sure this one will sort itself out too…

No you can’t lock weights, however if you had pushed F key to get into Face Mode [grey lines will appear over the model] it might appear locked = you have to A key select before being able to draw on the mesh.

Just guess. You keep trying…

So, if I’m understanding you correctly, you are able to create a mesh and armature setup that you can weight paint. You are not able to weight paint the ManCandy blend you have loaded? I’m not really sure what to say about that… sounds like something is wrong with the file.
I can imagine that it’s pretty frustrating, I’m sorry I don’t have any more help for you. The only real advice I have is to make the model from scratch, make the armature, and then weight paint it. I know that’s an extreme approach…

Thnx for your support guys, unfortunatly it still doesn’t work, I get into weightpaint mode, but just cannot paint


I’ve sent a message to the maker of mancandy, and he told me how to work this problem:

First tip : there is the possiblity to mask faces in weight paint mode
so you can’t paint on them by accident.
Try this:
*select the mesh, go into weight paint mode.

*while in weight paint mode, press “F” to go into the special hidden
undocumented face selection mode.

*press alt-H to unhide everything

*optionally, press “a” once or twice to make sure everything is selected
(you’ll see the face outlines highlighted when selected)

*press “F” again to pop out of face selection mode

start selecting bones and painting as normal.

Hope this will work for you to Almux