armature with weight-paiunted mesh, HELP plz!!


i have a mesh, and an armature, i weight painted the mesh to the bones. i did some errors, so i fixed them with the blue paint. but for some reason the bone still deforms it!

i checked every bone, and no bone has that region highlighted red. so, why is it still being deformed?!

i tired a differnt rig, but it also deforms the region, and i dont have any previous saves of that mesh, because i saved after the original painting accident

can someone plz help me, im at the end of my rope and i jsut dont understand why the vertecies are being deformed. is ther a way to delete all weight painted information from a mesh/armature??? that would be the best

Go into vertex groups and manually unassign each renegade vertex.

i have no vertex groups… i only used weightpainting, and an armature modifier

oh, no vertex group was hightlighted. k i deleted them!! and now it all works!!!

thank you so much!