Requesting some help

Hey everyone I’ve been working on this project for about a month now as a summer project before I go back too school as I need to get a complex animation done and rendered so that the teacher will put Blender into the school course and I am the one to make that happen. I wish there was more Tutorials on Advanced Fluids and Particles if someone can make some that would help out people like me and lots of others bc there really isnt much out there

It involves alot of Fluid Simulation since there isn’t much Support/Tutorials for more advance Fluid Simulation I’m and needing help with the overall Fluid’s and some other gereral things hopefully soon there will be some greater detail in fluids and particles including grass for the new particle system and some more amazing fluid sim’s and how they where done. Anyways back to the point I have the majority of the scene completed not textured yet but the cars building are in the places they need to be I now need a realistic looking tidle wave to run thought the streets like this picture here but I can’t seem to get the Fluid to do that without it looking real bad as it goes past the camera so here is some sample picture of what im trying to get but as a animation instead of a still I’m going to be cut sceneing so that it will go from a wave into the city to a street inside the city so it starts off this the first pic then the second any help would be great

Very interesting Idea. Are you going to animate the scene in Blender as you are showing in the iamges?

You’re not going to be able to use Blender’s fluid simulator to do the kind of scale and detail you need. It just isn’t going to happen.

Check out Mike Pan’s tests of the fluid sim – he’s pushing the boundaries here:

Note the calculation times. Not unbelievable for a final pass, but when you consider how many times you have to do something like this to tweak it and make it do what you want, well, the problem is obvious…

You’ll need to use less brute methods (animated textures on geometry, particles) to do what you want, I think.

Please look here

Thanks everyone