Camera Path -> Target Position

I would like to specify a target position or a lookat to my current camera animation, Im using a Curve -> Path and Parent It to my camera (follow path). Now Im stuck with the second path the one that I want to use for my target. In other words what I want to do is: Have 1 path for the camera position and 1 path for where the camera look at, so I can fully control where my camera target is pointing at any time of my animation.

Can someone explain me how I can do that… what I doing is:

  1. Add a Curve -> Path
  2. Select the Path
  3. Put the camera position at the beginning of the path then Select the Camera
  4. Push CTRL+P then select Follow path.

So far so good when I play with the time line slider my camera follow the path… and this is where Im stuck… after that I don’t know how I can specify another path for the camera target… please help!!!

Tks in advance,


Add another object (or empty) that will following your “lookat” path. Then add a Track to constraint to your Camera and have it track the “lookat” object. Here is a Blend that I setup a quick test in. It has Suzanne following one path and the camera following another. With the Track to set to track Suzanne. the camera will automatically rotate to keep Suzanne in view.

TrackTo.blend (47.9 KB)

Lemme guess…
You’re a MAX user, right?

If you’re used to using target cameras, you could consider leaving this setup in your default scene.