Bone doesn't keep keyed location

I have an armature I’m working on and when I key a bone using LocRot, then change to a different frame, then go back to the frame I just keyed, the bone has moved just a little amount away from where I keyed it.

I test this by placing the cursor in a location and seeing if the bone has moved from it when I change frames and come back. It pretty much happens with all the bones, whether I’m grabbing a bone that will move, or rotating one that won’t move. A bone rarely stays where I put it.

What could be the problem?

Could you post a blend ? It sounds like you might have additional animation keys either in between the keyframes you are keying … but can’t be sure …


While preparing a simplified blend for you I accidentally solved the problem somehow. So I retraced my steps with the original file and found out the only thing I had to do was set the Repeat number for the action I was editing from 2 to 1 then back to 2 again. That seems like a bug. Should I report it or something?

… and found out the only thing I had to do was set the Repeat number for the action I was editing from 2 to 1 then back to 2 again.

? Repeat number ? Are you editing an NLA strip action ? No wonder your keys weren’t sticking … If you want to edit just an action you should convert back to an action strip from an NLA strip by deleting the NLA strip . Use the Action Editor to edit actions and have no NLA strip associated with the action you are editing otherwise you will get buggy behavior …

I seeeeeee… Thanks!