Animation format?

Is there a preferred animation format like AVI - MPEG DivX) that is used for the works in progress forum?

Also, is there an optimum setting to get the best quality animation at a low file size? Any tutorials or web sites you can direct me to would be appreciated.

I’m not going to help you, I just wanted to see what your question would look like at a resonable size.

Most people use DivX, sometimes MPEG or quicktime. The forums at have a lot of info about video compression. There’s no need to make your font so big - it won’t make people more eager to answer.

Sorry about the font size. Hope this is better. Next time I’ll put my glasses on.

I do everything in MPEG1 as you are pretty
much guaranteed everybody has a viewer
for that one. Do a google for TMPGEnc
– it is an excellent free encoder/multiplexer.


Thanks for the input. I do have TMPGEnc. It’s a great tool.