Scripts Written vs. Scripts that People Acutally Use

I’m sort of new to Blender Python, and I recently wrote my first script. I think that anyone that writes scripts around here can tell you that it’s a lot of work.
I was thinking that it might be a good idea to start a thread to find out what Blender Users need in terms of scripts. This way it may be less likely that scripts get written that don’t get a lot of usage. For example, I was thinking about writing a script that generates cities like the following: The only thing is that before getting started, I’d like to think that others would use it, or even just point out where the script needs improvement. Basically, just looking for feedback on what scripts need to be written.

I use scripts to solve a specific concept. If you look around the board you will see my dablings. Often I am just trying to make Blender work the way I want it to. Like deformable text along a curve that will follow a curve and still remain editable. I was entirely devistated when I discovered that there is no way to find out how far down a path an object has traveled in Blender. This infomation is readily available in the 3DSMax API and I based many of my MaxScripts around this assumption. I have seen others inquire about this feature as well so I know it is an often used concept. Another adventure for me was into scriptlinks. I was shocked to discover that everything lost scope at the end of the event. As I type it out, it does make sense, logically. But practically it would be great if objects persist be tween frames. So I spent a tremendous amount of time constructing a variable storage system for events using the dictionary. This was an entire diversion from what I started off initialy to accomplish. Once the event processor was complete, I posted it here on the forum. I don’t think anyone even commented. Why, because it was a feature that only I needed at a specific time. All that code I wrote was so I could present a concept to another person in the agency. As soon as they saw it they said so what. So that code does not matter anymore.

Your city generator sound interesting, and I have seen others inquire on that subject. I even have started a couple of time on my own city generator but did not get that far. Mainly because what makes a city look real is all the detail in a scene. Algorithmic city generators may be usefull for arial and distance shots, but once you get up close on a scene, I would want it to be built, not generated.

…what makes a city look real is all the detail in a scene. Algorithmic city generators may be usefull for arial and distance shots, but once you get up close on a scene, I would want it to be built, not generated.

Right. If the algorithm could gradually be built to do more detailing, even if it was done in stages for more control, it could never meet every need. I thought about that.

I remember the demolition script ( generated a lot of interest. Is there anything else that people would really want to see coded? Andy ideas?

One thing that I see coming up from time to time is the idea of parameterized architectural details. Windows, doors, etc. Like Sketchup presets, select from a list then size them appropriately, press OK and you have a paneled door complete with doorknob, or a casement window. This is something that would probably never be accepted as part of Blenders trunk, which makes it a good choice for an add-on plug-in.

It is, of course, possible for someone to model their own library of architectural details, then append or link to them, so another idea might be to develop a viewer that would show a 3d image of objects in a linked library, to make it easier to pick the one you want, while avoiding all that “give your objects appropriate and meaningful names” nonsense.

Another possibily useful script would be one that organized a particular task, like making grass, or hair, or putting a transparent image on a plane. Something like a macro, this kind of plug-in would collect all the settings and buttons needed to perform a task and put them onto one popup panel, so that all the settings could be done in one place.

Best wishes. It’s nice to see new people involved in writing the underlying software. We artists really appreciate all that the developers do, and are keenly aware that the more people get involved in the software, the stronger the software becomes. Yea team!

Let me tell you something about you programmer guys in this blender community. You make awesome stuff. But 9 times out of 10 you are pretty lousy at explaining to people what it’s used for and actually how to USE.

For instance the new texture stuff, there was this long thread on normals paint, texture nodes, etc. But where are the “how to” as well as the “WTF guides”??? Frr just basically disappeared… like ZORO.

So even when it’s something as huge as texture nodes, after you guys do your thing it might be helpful to the blender community if you could introduce the problem that you are solving alongside its solution.

Because a lot of us DON’T know what it’s for to the point of not even being sure what to ask when they see a post like

“rhamfamistrust oopmalumptist pythagorus 3.14xe=MC2 script for blender. link

I know it makes sense to you, but to some people like me I find myself saying “… oooooo…kkkkkk…”

And it’s my own stupidity I know that. So enlighten us a bit. And if you don’t feel like you should have to explain it very much find a friend online who appreciates what you’ve done enough to write an explaination FOR you. If your script/feature is actually useful, then you shouldn’t have much problem with it.

Well anyway the other factor is just “wtf-ism” there is this guy named HampsterHill making these AWESOME blender tutorials and people barely even say thank you to him. But he just keeps on truckin’ - and boy do I appreciate it :smiley:

have you seen this script? L-System_Buildings
It’s use is quite different in the way it creates buildings.
Maybe you could look at how this script functions.
It is possible to add pre made elements to create custom buildings.
This type of system could be used to “dress” buildings with pre made objects at set intervals.
A lot of work would need to bring it up to ease of use.
An extensive interface & better premade objects would be needed additions.

In that page the OP linked to, there’s a section for a junk pile generator for 3DS Max. The author specifically mentions it for post-apocalyptic environments. I’d love to have something like that in Blender! My team would get tons of use out of it.

You can simulate a junk pile using a physics simulation. Just place all your objects up in the air and let them fall as they may. Record the IPO and use the frame that suits your taste.

Hmm, I’ll have to try that. Thanks!