Something funky going on with Jump.

Ok i have the logic bricks down for jumping as followed

Sensor(Keyboard,SPACEBAR) and Property touchingGround=true>AND Controller>Motion Actuator Z axis +0.15

without the touchingGround Boolean it works fine but pressing spacebar in mid air screws with the decent obviously.

but WITH the touchingGround bool it only lets me jump an inch in the air its like as soon as the bool is FALSE then it aborts the command and gravity effects the player again.

With that said Im thinking that I need a way for the engine to first check that touchingGround is true and Spacebar being pressed is true, BUT not have to have the touching Ground bool to have to be constantly true while the action of jumping is being carried out. if that makes sense.

so all you more expericened users, please help a new guy out here and tell me what i should do.

please and thanks.

Couldn’t you just increase the force on the jump (assuming you’re using force)? So even though the boolean will switch quickly back to FALSE, the motion will continue higher.

Are you using force, linV, or DLoc? the first two’ll get the job done, the last should never be used at any point on a physics enabled object (ever. Never ever. Ever never never ever!). Whatever your motion type is, 0.15 is much too small a number unless your objects are tiny.

nope im using loc, controling a vertical rectangle with a rigged humanoid model parented to it for animation.

could you post a .blend?

Ok yeah im using DLoc, So I have an idea that im just gonna instead of parenting the Armature to a box, im just gonna appy all the movements to the armature itself, and use the model thats parented to the Armature for collisons.

Good idea? Bad Idea?

Bad idea- if you had more control over the physics engine this would be more doable, but as is any physics collisions detected by the mesh would be applied to the mesh, and not its parent. As the mesh moves away from its parent, all kinds of issues would arise.
What’s wrong with using force or linear vel, pray tell?

Actually DLoc can be used on a physics object without problems, it’s having too high a value right against a wall that can cause trouble. In my target shooting game demo using a reasonably altered version of the old FPS template I use it to go up stairs and have somewhat of a feeling of doing it (camera jerking up a little). The trick is to just slow down the DLoc significantly when trying to walk through a wall.

DLoc has its uses, but jumping isn’t one of them, use LinV.

Ok I ended up getting rid of the Box that was parent of the actual armature and mesh, added the actions to the armatures and used LinV for jumping, and DLoc for basic movement.

so now everything is functional now so thanks guys.