tracking multiple objects sequencially


i have a camera that’s tracking an object; i want it to track a different object from a certain frame on. i don’t see this is possible in blender. did i overlook something?
with most properties, it is possible to create ipo curves for them. looks like tracking is missing.



i think what you need is the timeoffset in the animation buttons. you can set each object to be out of time with the ipo by a certian number of frames

Not possible directly. Just use 2 cameras and switch between them using a helper scene and the sequence editor…

Use the track to constraint
create multipe constraints for the objects you want to track

you can then create ipo for the constraints influence.

Theeth has a nice example of this, which I can’t find at the moment

found it, it animates a copy location constraint
see the thread:

it was an example of Copy Loc and Copy Rot, but it really works the same way. I’m not sure that file is still online though.


thanks guys, the idea with tracking the empty, and just positioning it at the object i want to track at the current time is great! i just tried that, and it’s just so more elegant than what i’ve been doing before.