OMG! Sonic the Hedgehog in Kingdom Hearts?

A year ago I laid down the pencil and got interested in 3D. So a year later which was a couple days ago, I decided to plan on another animation project. My childhood hero, dressed as if he is supposed to be in one of my favorite RPG’s. I’m still learning about modeling with 1 year’s experience but this is a project I’m gonna try to add a lot of detail into and still a long ways to go…


Pretty sweet modeling so far. Looking forward to the detail and colour. I must admit though I’m not a huge fan of the “angsty” and “Xtreme” direction Sonic has gone into in his later life… I miss the innocent old genesis/megadrive sonic, cheekily waving his finger at me… I also like Kingdom Hearts, but boy those games take themselves WAY too seriously…

Sorry for that little rant :stuck_out_tongue:

Yea, Sonic lost me after Sonic Adventure 2, then he just went down hill :frowning: