Possible solution for XNA BoneWeightCollection error

I started learning blender about a month ago for the purpose of using the models I make in the XNA game engine. Unfortunately i ran into an error that I have seen all over the internet,

error : Error normalizing vertex bone weights. BoneWeightCollection does not contain any weighting values.

After doing some research I stumbled across this on http://binxalot.com/
This is a solution for using 3ds Max but its helpful in solving my dilemma

"Problem #1
Error normalizing vertex bone weights. BoneWeightCollection does not contain any weighting values.
What it means is that even though your mesh is weighted correctly in 3dmax, and your mesh most likely deforms properly in max. XNA will not allow vertexes to have a weight of 0 on a mesh. The fix is easy, you just click on the “Remove Zero Weights” button in the advanced tab of the skinning modifier in max.
Here is why this is happening, just in case you were curious. Below is the weight table for my example model
The weight table showing 0.0 vertexes
The problem is that xna can’t tell the difference between the dash - (meaning 0) and the 0.0000 - which causes the problem. Here is the same weight table after pressing the Remove Zero Weights button: "

After reading this I came to the conclusion that In order to export my rigged models to XNA correctly I need a way to turn the 0.0 weights in my bones vertex group to dashes.

Any help would be really appreciated, I hope I was clear enough. :wink:

This is what ive created so far :slight_smile:

Any ideas what so ever :/?

I solved this.
Each vertex needs to be weighted to at least one bone for XNA to accept the model.