Linked relative keys?

Is there a way to link relative keys values with the rotation angle value of armature bones?
Probably without Python coding…
I need that for some more precisely way to do character animation. Or I need to use bone constraints?

nope, you’ll need python for all kinds of channel wirings. what you could do, however, is relative keys, where you have vertex-parented objects, which in turn control bones via ik controllers. does this make sense?

I tried to did a common way in apps like a Maya, etc. Very simple rig, and relative vertex keys for adjusting mesh on joints at different angles (elbows, knees, etc). This is straightforward, but absolutely precise. Well, it needs a lot of morph targets, probably more than 31, or I need to separate head from body…
Seems that bone constraints like on third layer of ‘CtrlObject’ from blender test files needs to be enough for now. It’s a clever solution…

The only limitation (I’d rather say bug, but it’s not really one) is that the rotation angle for the constraint trigger is always calculated in global space, not relatively to the parent of the bone. And I haven’t been able to solve that problem yet (I’m not too familiar with that precise part of the code).
