Custom 3D viewport views?

Hey blenderers!

I was modelling in blender just a minute ago, and I spent ages using MMB to get to the correct view I needed. As soon as i changed views, it takes me ages to get back to it again. I was thinking, and I wondered if there was a way to save a custom view in the 3D viewport. (Like when you press “1” on the numpad it takes you to front view, I wanted a sort of thing to press Ctrl + Alt + 1 or whatever, to take me to my custom view. Not knowing if this feature existed or not, I asked in the #blender IRC channel. No one knew how to do it, or thought you could do it, but everyone thought it would be a good idea to implement this into the next build of blender, as it shouldn’t be too difficult for all you coders to work out ;). Just a suggestion…Please reply if you know how to do this, or think it is a good idea. Thanks.


The work around is to use the camera.
Position the 3d view as you want, press Ctr+Alt+0 to change the camera to match the view. Press I and keyframe its locrot (location and rotation). Advance a frame in the timeline and repeat for each view. You then control the view by changing the frame number with the camera selected.

you could may be add a new scene or even a render slot!

stored views (named views) wouldn’t be too hard to add, and indeed pretty useful (like most CAD applications do)

Aha! Thanks :smiley: Does pretty much what I need it too :slight_smile: Would still be a good feature in a future build though, don’t you think?

itS working if you translate or rotate the object, but if u align active camera to view and then insert a keyframe to that view nothing happen when u change the frame in timeline. chan u add a shorcut to a specific view instead ?

itS working if you translate or rotate the object, but if u align active camera to view and then insert a keyframe to that view nothing happen when u change the frame in timeline. chan u add a shortcut to a specific view instead ?

Go on blendermarket and buy the bookmark views addon