Audio Spectrum Analyzer???

Is it possible to make an Audio Spectrum Analyzer in th blender game engine? Thank you!
EDIT: sorry for the briefness but im pressed for time.

You can bake an static IPO curve from an audio file.

If you want a dynamic FFT then you can try to use numpy.fft.
Here a Pygame sample code. I don’t tested it in Blender.
You must install Pygame and Numpy to get the code work. Instade of Pygame you can try to change the code to run with the Blender Audaspace library (aud)

import pygame 
import pygame.mixer 
import pygame.sndarray 

import numpy 
from numpy.fft import fft 

# Initialize mixer 

# Load a sound 
sound = pygame.mixer.Sound("/sound/sound.wav") 

# Put it in an array 
a = pygame.sndarray.array(s) 
a = numpy.array(a) 
left = a[:,0] 
right = a[:,1] 

# Get playback frequency 
nu_play, format, stereo = pygame.mixer.get_init() 
# Time resolution of frequency analysis (s) 
sample_length = 0.1 
sample_num = int(sample_length*nu_play) 

# n to frequency 
frequency = numpy.arange(sample_num/2)/sample_length 

# Get first bin, left channel 
spectrum = fft(left[:sample_num]) 
positive = spectrum[1:1+sample_num/2] 
power = (positive*positive.conj()).real 

thank you!, i’ll try it out when i get back, thank you!