Tiger Tank

Pz.Kpfw VI Ausf.E Tiger, hope you like it:)
Blender Cycles(not the smoke simulation), 50 samples
ca 15 min rendering time

I also rigged the tank. The track movement+tank “wobbling” is generated from a simple start/stop point. The tracks/wheels are controlled with drivers, and the caterpillar “weight” is a simple cloth simulation. You can also control the kugelblende, rotate the turret/8,8 mm Cannon(+a optional auto aim point for easy aim control), and of course rotate the whole tank:3

I posted the file on blendswap:)

More images:

Dan you have to render the whole animation!!!

Excellent detailed Rigging, Nice modeling and Good texturing.
Your motion is almost perfect! specially your second motions!
Your tiger reminds me this film: Kellys_Heroes.
Thank you for sharing.

I might make a animation later, maybe in a couple weeks… I need my computer in the next days:)

Thanks:) And yes, the main tank motion is still quite static:3

Nice work, I really like the animation. You did a good job on rigging, caterpillar and wheels move just like they should. And I agree that “main” tank motion is a bit rigid, but great work overall. :slight_smile:

Thanks Pivac:)

Wow its work like this that keeps me going.Great job and thank you for the inspiration.:yes:

Thanks powlly:p

Amazing works as always! :eyebrowlift:

Thanks Vicky:3

pretty awesome model and rigging!

Thanks Kemmler:)

wow that is a cool rig. I don’t get how you did it though.

Thanks Modron:) I made a whole lot of constraints to make the track follow the ground etc, drivers to make the wheels and the track synchronized, and a simple cloth simulation for the top part of the track and the wiggle when the tank starts/stops:p

That is one hell of a wicked model you made there, wonderfull.

Nice rig sir! Ingenious idea with the cloth sim for the tracks. Next challenge: make it turn!

Beautifully done! I would also love to see a rendered animation (even a simple forward-moving shot like the video you’ve already shown), but the still image alone is more than enough. The motion blur along the ground and the spinning wheels really add to the shot. For the secondary movements in the tank (the rumbling/jitteriness you might call it?) as it moves, did you apply noise to the tank’s keyframes? Or did you use another technique?

very nice…tried to do that once but too complex my brain…now if it was a dozer pulling some logs or movin’ stumps I’d be REAL happy…again very cool …have fun

Thanks all:)
gregzaal: It can rotate, but I’m having some problems with the tracks, making them turn realistically. Everything works except the fact that they must turn in opposite directions:p
James Candy: I made 3*empties that follows the ground, then parented the “tank chassis” to the empties. So it follows the ground quite good, but it sill quite static. Its not the best way to do it, but it works:)