Zblur & Blender 2.34

Hi Guys,

i´ve got a problem with the new Blender and the Zblur plug-in.
I use it under WinXP with Intel CPU and ATI GPU.
With 2.34 it works correctly.
This are some Errors from the Command Line.
Error: input has no z-buffer
Red Screen, Black Screen.

I´ve change the zmin and the Focus in 10th steps fomr 0.11/0.1 to 0.91/0.9. But it doesn´t go to be better.

Anybody here with the same Problems ?

It has something to do with the Autofocus button, and/or you have a value that is greater than expected so the error. Don’t remind what, no blender at hand to check. You should read the plugin documentation: IIRC, this error is explained within (the red screen).

There are also some tutorials that have been written on the topic. Make a search it has been dealed with a few months ago.

Sorry not being more helpful but I’m away from home and no blender for a few days from now on.

<edit> I posted in Blender General the following link for a french tutorial involving the z-blur plugin:

that plugin is awesome when it works, but it seems to me that it usually doesnt.

I will give the person who integrates this into blender a million dollars!

I think you somewhat owe 1,000,000 $ to intrr then. Check his Blender Instinctive, it has integrated DOF effect. (intrr: please be kind enough for tipping me about 10% of these bucks :wink: )

So, where do I send my bank account number to? :wink:

Download this version (Last Modification Date: 2004-Nov-10 12:21) :

why is DoF from instinctive not in the official build?

why is DoF from instinctive not in the official build?

Because Intrr hasn’t been paid yet… Ha Ha Ha…


Even if I got paid, I wouldn’t be able to forcibly insert it into CVS against the will of the foundation :wink:

I’m curious. Is the DOF in iBlender a better alternative than the zBlur plugin?

I would definitely say so.


No manual focus settings required, focus lag, integration into the render pipeline… definitely sounds better to me %|

I was more interested in the differences in quality, as I understand that zBlur has some shortcomings in that respect.

The blur code itself is the same as in the zblur plugin, so the visual result is the same.

Thanks for clarifying. As you said, it’s still an improvement to have it integrated into iBlender:)

In plus Z depth :wink: