About frustum and occlusion culling

Searching about frustum and occlusion culling in BGE, I noticed that there is no option to disable frustum culling in the BGE UI where you can define the clipping planes.

I also noticed that it neither exist an option to disable occlusion culling.

Searching the API I realized how to disable FC but I found no way to disable OC. Finally, I found that mail:


I think that both are useful options to demonstrate what OC and FC are and what they do for teaching/academic purposes. I also think that a couple of default True bools won’t annoy anyone.

What do you think about?

You set the clipping planes at the camera settingd.
Disabling frustum culling makes no sense. It increases processing time without noticable effect.

Btw. You enable occlusion culling by adding occluder objects. If you do not want it just do not add occluders :wink:

Disabling frustum culling makes no sense in a real project.
But it can be useful in a basic graphics class, for example while teaching the camera parameters you can easily demonstrate how it improves the performance of the application activating it.

Maybe it was only a silly idea :stuck_out_tongue:

You can force an object to be visible by setting its visible property to True every frame, or by placing vertices very far apart so that the camera is always looking at part of its bounding box.